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  1. mike22cha

    My shark/ray reef tank

    Yeah it definetly sounds realy beneficial, energy saving, money saving, etc. BUT you have to have the money to get it first.
  2. mike22cha


    I saw a drawing of that thing and thing is some wierd crazy looking thing. Seems realy stupid to me. Would you realy recommend it?
  3. mike22cha

    My shark/ray reef tank

    Originally Posted by mkzimms Thats a solaris LED fixture! VERY expensive but awesome. They allow you to run a whole year schedule of lighting cycles, mimic cloud cover, sunrise and set, lunar cycles. They put out the equiv of about a 400W MH with almost no heat. Adjustable from like 6K to...
  4. mike22cha

    My shark/ray reef tank

    Awesome tank! I love your aquascaping in the middle. What kind of lights do you run on your tank?
  5. mike22cha

    Your PERFECT Reef

    Mine would be a 240g that needed no water changes or anything. With unlimited money so I could afford all those MH's and SPS's. And maybe enough room on the sand bed for a cortez ray.
  6. mike22cha

    Patriots- AFC Champs!

    We could have won and should have won against you guys. We were in the End Zone 4 times. The Patriots were in there three. Unfortunatly we made 4 field goals in the End Zone. Pats made 3 TD's.
  7. mike22cha

    Super Bowl!!!

    I'm sure hoping they can pull through from the last time they played the Pats. I'll be rooting for the Giants this super bowl.
  8. mike22cha

    Some Nano Questions

    Originally Posted by MaTT B if your going to do clams and stuff like that i would buffer your cal and alk but dont buffer what your not testing for!! I don't have alk/calcium tests kits or anything I could test it with :( But I don't plan on doing clams/SPS right away either. Also instead of...
  9. mike22cha

    Some Nano Questions

    Originally Posted by Patrice Hello, I do not add much supplement to but I have been told I should. how often do you do water change? what kind of salt do you use? thx I do about a 5% water change/top off weekly. I don't know what I use, Red Sea maybe, I know they have a thread on here about...
  10. mike22cha

    Some Nano Questions

    Originally Posted by nYgel i've never used supplements, so for that one i'd say no, but if you have a deficiency in something, add some i suppose. Ok just wondering. They told me to my 125g and I did. And when I had a zoanthid in my 20g for a little bit I did add supplements and my calcium...
  11. mike22cha

    Patriots- AFC Champs!

    Congrats. We could have won and should have won, but you guys obviously got the momentum going in the 2nd half. We'll see you guys next year when our team is prepared and use to our coach all season long.
  12. mike22cha

    Some Nano Questions

    Well I'm setting up my 20g and I have some questions Before I ask the questions, here's a little run down on my plans. I plan on getting a 150w MH lighting system (one of those clamp on back of tank) and for filtration making a HOB Power Filter with two chambers into a refegium and using my...
  13. mike22cha

    Coral Keepers 8 gall bio cube reef tank diary.

    Your tank is looking great!
  14. mike22cha

    210g Reef Tank Pictures 01.20.08

    Awesome tank!
  15. mike22cha

    Pics of the inhabitants of my 300 gallon tank.

    Originally Posted by brandon7491 ur black tang has lateral line disease and needs to be treated before it dies I don't think that blueish line is HLLE but some miscoloration between the fin and the body. Black tangs aren't always solid black. Also HLLE is nothing life threating unless you fix...
  16. mike22cha

    Dinner Recipes

    Originally Posted by TriGa22 What are some easy cheap and yummy dinner Recipes? My mom asked me to make dinner tommorow and Im not sure what to make... Does Taco Bell count?
  17. mike22cha

    Another question from me, lighting for my 20g

    Originally Posted by WangoTango Sounds good. It'd be nice to go T5 with the tank, but there aren't a lot of good 24" fixture out there. -Justin Yeah it's realy hard to find 150w 24" fixtures, most fluorscent or T-5's are only like 48w or 24w.
  18. mike22cha

    Ever been addicted to...

    Originally Posted by paintballer768 Pfft, by the time you touch NBA 2k8, NBA 2k9 is going to be out. Leave COD at one of your parents houses and "forget" it for a week. You need to play the others too haha Why would I leave it at one of my parents house? It's the only game I constantly have...
  19. mike22cha

    XBOX Live

    Originally Posted by abethedog I'm abethedog also on XBox Live. I play COD4, Halo3 and (surpised I'm admitting this) Uno. UNO seems to be quite popular. I've never played it, but most of my friends have it on the arcade.
  20. mike22cha

    Pics of old tank

    Nice tank except for the fact a yellow tang is in there.