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  1. shadow678

    Bubble boy Wrasse

    If this was a very small six-line, it could possibly have been eaten. I have a very small(1" diam.) bubbletip that can eat large whole frozen krill that are nearly as big as the bubbletip. Anemones do not have the limitation of a skeletal structure, and are very flexible. If you have ever...
  2. shadow678

    are they mated?

    That is correct, all are born the same ---. The dominant of the pair or group will change to female in the abscence of a female, and will be the breeding female of the pair. Clownfish are sexually dimorphic, and this insures the survival of the sepcies. If they were not, the chances of a male...
  3. shadow678

    Branching Hammer too close??

    It will depend on the hammer's sweeper tentacles. Many are around 6", so if you only have 3.5", it may sting the colt, so you may want to either move it a bit or put a rock barrier between the two to eliminate the ability to extend over to it. HTH
  4. shadow678


    Is this a serious post, or are you just looking for attention any way you can get it? Why would you not feed them?
  5. shadow678

    Hidden Lion, crouching guppies

    The lion will begin coming out more and more as it gets more accustomed to the tank. What type of lion is it? You can try using live ghost shrimp, these are much healthier for your lion that FW fish, and will live much longer in the tank without affecting water quality, sometimes up to 2 days...
  6. shadow678

    Just wondering about my lighting.

    Rock and sand does not require lighting to support the bacterial colonies, only the corraline algae on the rock, but that is a minimal requirement. You may not get fast growth or really vibrant colors with a 20watt NO bulb, but it will be enough to keep it going.
  7. shadow678


    Clams require intense lighting, so you need to figure out how much light is produced by the PCs, total. They should be marked on the base of the bulbs the wattage, add it all together and see what it comes out to. Even the most undemanding clams will need roughly 5 watts/gal of water, or in a...
  8. shadow678

    color for background of tank

    If you can't decide between the two, you can always fade from black at the bottom to light blue at the top. Paint the bottom solid, but thin it out as you go up, meaning not full coverage. After it dries, come back with a dark blue and start near the bottom where you started thinning the black...
  9. shadow678

    choosing the best filter for $

    The Emperor's are good filters, as well as the TetraTec's, which can also keep your temperature very stable by adding the optional heater module. Or, if you consider a canister filter, Fluval makes very good canister filters, although they can sometimes be a hassles to clean or change filter...
  10. shadow678

    Water Temp/Mana shrimp in live rock?

    As long as they are bought as a mated pair, they will be okay, but just putting two together and hoping for the best is futile with CBS. Mated pairs are harvested from the ocean as a pair, or are raised from beginning in the same tank and have paired from being together the entire lifespan. Two...
  11. shadow678


    My miniatus loves frozen krill, and fresh squid from seafood variety packs from the local grozery store. It's good that you are going to wean it from goldfish, which should be pretty easy, as groupers will eat almost anything put in the tank. Once it gets accustomed to teh tank, you'll really...
  12. shadow678

    Water Temp/Mana shrimp in live rock?

    86 is a bit high, and could definately be adding to your fishes stress level. BTW, keeping 2 CBS(coral-banded shrimp) in one tank will almost always result in the loss of one or both, as they will not accept another CBS in the same tank, and will fight to the death. To reduce your temperature...
  13. shadow678

    Bubble boy Wrasse

    I just went and looked at your thread about the anemone that ate your pep. shrimp, and that could very well have been what ate your six-line. Sometimes they cannot fully digest the food they take in, and will regurgitate what is left, and this is often encased in a nasty film. If it has already...
  14. shadow678


    I love your display, that is one clean-looking, organized arrangement. Nice work!
  15. shadow678

    Bubble boy Wrasse

    Lemme ask you a quick you have any elephant ear mushroom corals? Or any anemones? When they eat a fish, not all of it is digested, and the remaining carcass is expelled in a casing of mucous that will not be eaten by your cleanup crew. If you do have any of these species of invert...
  16. shadow678

    Elephant Ear Mushroom (READ)

    Here ya go, this is a pic of mine, which is about 9" across when opened. At the time, it was excreting waste, however. Notice the citron clown goby sitting on it? This was about a week after the elephant ear devoured the yellow clown goby that hung out with the citron. rofl Guess they never...
  17. shadow678

    125 gal on the second floor

    rjpsj1, your house is 200 years old?! Where is it? Is it registered with the Nat. Historic Society? If not, it should be. If you have any pics, I'd love to see it, the architecture must be fantastic. I have a friend who owns a building that was built in the late 1800's as a hotel, now converted...
  18. shadow678

    Scaring away potential hobbist?

    Dee, your response in particular points out the kind of harsh environment I have seen here on occasion. I am not arguing the fact that much of the advice here is good, and that it should be followed. It is the presentation of the advice that could use some work. You are in no way obligated to...
  19. shadow678

    what would you do

    I've seen it done with the Eclipse table-top systems, but you may be able to buy the cheaper, similar enclosed hood-mounted filtering tanks with a PC retrofit in place of the standard mogul light. I'm sure with a little ingenuity, the cheaper models could be modified to make them suitable.
  20. shadow678

    Nautilus Vs. Berlin Classic

    The Nautilus is by Kent Marine, and I don't know of too many people that would be too against a trusted name such as that. Also, I have seen up close a Nautilus running on a 300-gal rock-curing tank, and from what I have seen, it works pretty darned well, pulling 3 ful cups of some of the...