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  1. shadow678

    Water temp affected by lights?

    If you have good circulation in your tank(which you should anyways) and the thermometer isn't covered by sand, then 77 is just fine. :)
  2. shadow678

    Smoke Or Slime coming from snail

    ROFL OMG, you guys are too funny...
  3. shadow678

    ? on sw vs. fw color

    Many lions, such as Radiata and Volitans, vary in shade depending on mood and if they are feeding. I have one of each, and when they are hunting ghost shrimp, become completely black-and-white, and return to normal coloration after feeding is over.
  4. shadow678

    Green Pectinia?

    Hmmm....I can't really tell if that is a pectinia or a pavona...can you get a pic a little further back than that? lol I know, most people ask for pics closer.
  5. shadow678

    cats with your fish tank?

    2 indoor cats, and the only thing they are interested in the tanks for is basking in the light from them. lol They are too lazy to catch anything except the occasional moth that may slip in the door.
  6. shadow678

    Used: 3 175w MH and 2 VHO setup ... how much would you pay?

    If it is an IceCap 660 ballast, the VHO ballast will not overpower the bulb in dropping it down to 48". If it is running 2 6' bulbs(330watts), then dropping it down to even 2 48" bulbs(220watts) would not do any damage. If it a Coralife 2-lamp VHo ballast, then you could only lower it to 2 60"...
  7. shadow678

    VHO or Metal Halide

    Don't feel too bad about that Bang, I know just how you feel, I have yet to get enough time and energy(at the same time) to build one for my 100 reef, so my VHO bulbs are sitting on the top of the tank with the reflector over them. lol You'll (and hopefully I) will get to it at some point.
  8. shadow678

    Compatibility Question

    That would be a gamble, and probably not one I would recommend, as the blue-spotted is the most notorious of the boxfish for releasing the ostracitoxin that would wipe out the entire tank. The dogface is rarely aggressive, but I still would not try it if it were me. As far as angels are...
  9. shadow678

    Live rock for livestock

    What kind of live rock is it, and how long has it been established? What types of livestock would you be interested in? Would you be interested in an adult, very healthy Lunare wrasse, 7" long? Let me know.
  10. shadow678

    WTB a corner or bow front tank

    Lucent, what are the specs of this light?
  11. shadow678

    ? on sw vs. fw color

    Are you asking if there are any SW species that have unique markings from each other and their parents?
  12. shadow678

    Fish per Gallon?

    Porcupine puffers get nearly 12" long, and that will be MUCH too large for a 29gal tank. To live a healthy life, they will need at least a 75gal. As for that shark, it is likely a bamboo shark, and will reach 41" in adulthood, and will require no less than a 180gal tank to live a happy, healthy...
  13. shadow678

    R/O-DI systems

    Um....I use an Aquatic Reef Systems Oceanus 100gpd RO/DI, and I drink the water after the DI cartridge...tastes more pure than from the water store down the street, and has not made me sick yet...are you sure you aren't talking about the waste/reject water? Water that is dispensed by Glacier and...
  14. shadow678

    Shark Egg

    I have not hatched sharks myself, but I have seen several posts by the shark-keepers here that have said that you should let the shark hatch itself, as you may take it out premature, or damage it. I would say let it take it's natural course. Sharks have been in the oceans for hundreds of...
  15. shadow678

    help with tank

    At a properly matched flow rate for the type and wattage, a UV sterilizer will kill all living organisms that flow through it, whether it be free-floating algae, parasites, or bacteria. It kills indescriminately, which is why it is suggested not to run one when you are attempting to set up a new...
  16. shadow678

    Wats per gallon??

    I completely agree with Bang Guy. I have heard a lot of people say AH Supply was really good, so I don't see any problem with them, altough I have yet to order anything from them myself.
  17. shadow678

    Making own canister filter

    I don't know if the materials would be any cheaper, but you could try using one of those 8-gal round icechest/coolers with the screw-on lid, it even has a spout at the bottom edge that you could likely remove to be used as either your input or output line. Just put a bulkhead fitting where the...
  18. shadow678


    You can either buy a fish trap from your LFS or make one out of a 2-litre soda bottle, and bait it with a piece of food, you will likely catch the damsels this way. Or, you can try using a flashlight about 2 hours after you turn off the lights at night to find them and net them. The sudden light...
  19. shadow678

    New Tank Design?

    For reef, you will not want an Eclipse system, they limit you too much, especially on the lighting. Either a regular rectuangular tank or bowfront. You will be better off deciding if you want a sump/refugium under the tank, and if so, get your tank Reef-Ready, meaning it has built-in overflow...
  20. shadow678

    Tanning Bed Lights Question

    The lamps themselves may not be suitable, but perhaps the ballasts would be cheaper than what are typically used in the aquarium trade...Where are you seeing these for sale? I would be interested in researching this...