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  1. irishstout

    blue tang

    Thanks for the replies! I will give the seaweed selects a try. As far as having the algae in the tank for it, what kind? Do you mean green hair algae? There was quite a bit of it in the tank, but in less than 24 hrs with the tang, there is no more hair algae to speak of!!
  2. irishstout

    blue tang

    I just introduced a blue tang to my 55 reef. Has anyone had any particular success with what foods he/she would do well on?
  3. irishstout

    Bio wheels...

    The only problem I had with nitrates building up was with an overfeeding problem. Since that has been taken care up my levels have stayed at or around 0. Of course the 40lbs of live rock probably helps
  4. irishstout

    Lighting Suggestions

    I have a 55 gallon reef tank running on 1-URI Super Actinc R vho and 1-URI AquaSun vho. I have minimal corals going right now ( couple a Mushrooms, and StarBurst Polyps?) What is a "cost effective" next step I can take in lighting to allow me to upgrade the corals I can keep? Also, any...
  5. irishstout

    Bio wheels...

    Ive got a 55gal reef set up with a bio wheel sump system. I have hair algae growing in it as we speak, however the problem was traced to high phosphate levels in the top off water I was using. Use good water in your tank.