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  1. ac

    ???Golden Moray/Dirty Yellow Moray???

    I had him about a year and a half. I got him at a LFS and he cost $125. When I first got him I posted pictures to try and find out what kind he really was. All I could come up with is a golden moray. So if anyone knows different I'd love to find out.:jumping: :jumping:
  2. ac

    help with water change

    I've talked to several people that agree a RO/DI won't take out amonia. One lfs sells a amonia filter that you add on to your RO unit as another stage. I'm going to look into that. The only way the di portion can remove something is if it is a positive or negative ion. So I'm assuming that...
  3. ac

    help with water change

    It turns out that the city has changed how much amonia they use in the processing of their water. I found out the hard way that RO/DI doesn't remove amonia. So now I'm treating my top off water and my mixed water.
  4. ac

    Grey Smoothound/ Female Cali ray for sale

    Sorry to hear of the troubles Tony. I hope you'll still stop in on the board, your knowledge and experience has been greatly appreciated. The best of luck to you
  5. ac

    help with water change

    Everything I use is devoted to saltwater. Nothing else touches the tubes or trash can I use to mix in. It's a 125 gallon tank and I changed about 15 gallons. I use an aquarium test seatest hydrometer. Fairly cheap but I've been using it for quite a long time. I figure if nothing else the...
  6. ac

    help with water change

    Every time I do a water change I have fish die(within an hour of the change). I thought at first I wasn't matching the temp, but I made sure of that this time and I still lost 4 chromis. The salinity matches, I'm using RO/DI water to mix my salt. I'm using the same salt, and I let the saltwater...
  7. ac

    Filtration for a Bamboo

    And the bamboo
  8. ac

    Filtration for a Bamboo

    cubuffs, do you have any pictures? Here are my two babies:)
  9. ac

    ???Golden Moray/Dirty Yellow Moray???

    swing and a miss. good luck :D
  10. ac

    ???Golden Moray/Dirty Yellow Moray???

    I have a golden moray. He's about 18 inches long and he's pretty mellow. He's in a tank with a bamboo shark and a sting ray. Do you have any specific questions. I've attached a picture.
  11. ac

    Filtration for a Bamboo

    Hey cubuffs, I was born in Boulder. I live east of their in Thornton now. Anyway I would recommend wet/dry for the bioload capabilities and also the maintenance. You just don't have to screw with them as much as a canister. I have CPR's on both of my shark/stingray tanks and they work quite...
  12. ac

    Lost my Leopard

    I'm very sorry for the loss. It really sucks when something like that happens. I lost a 22 inch epaullette that jump through a hole about the same diameter as she was. She missed landing in the sump by inches.
  13. ac

    Just couldn't pass him up

    I have 3. Two babies, male and female and one adult male. All Cali's
  14. ac

    Just couldn't pass him up

    CUbuffs, I got this one at Keys Island(formally great barrier reef) at Santa Fe and Oxford. Ki will get what ever you need. He special ordered my baby rays for me a couple of months ago. I got the ray yesterday for $50.
  15. ac

    Just couldn't pass him up

    gasguzzler, What's the 980 you have in your profile? Do you have pictures of the tank and filtration?
  16. ac

    Just couldn't pass him up

    I have a male and female baby cali's in another tank. They are probably under 6 months old. They are only about 4 inches in diameter:happy:
  17. ac

    Just couldn't pass him up

    Last one. He's about 10 inches in diameter
  18. ac

    Just couldn't pass him up

    2nd picture
  19. ac

    Just couldn't pass him up

    OK things have cleared up a bit
  20. ac

    Just couldn't pass him up

    I got a gift certificate for my birthday, and wouldn't you know the LFS had a male cali ray. I just could let him suffer in the small tank he was in so... ray number 3. He's stirred the sand up quite a bit so my tank looks like a milk shake. When things clear up I'll post pictures:joy: :joy: