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  1. kaotik

    the beginning

    Yeah, read that last thread and see what happened to the person who did the exact same thing you are trying to do... The Fish Died!!! :mad:
  2. kaotik

    125 Gallon 8 Month Birthday

    Ive said it before, and Ill say it have the most awesome tank I have ever seen. You could really charge admission for people to come and see it!!! After the pics from your 5 month anniv. I didnt think it could get any better, but you've proved me wrong! Congratulations and keep up...
  3. kaotik

    ID of ? i dont know!

    yeah, i saw quite a few of those in my tank for about a week, then no more! I wouldnt worry about it.
  4. kaotik

    Polyp ID?

    i have a similar "pest" anemone. (not aptasia) It is not close to anything and not bothering anything either so i decided to leave it. (your case is different) My question is this...if I were to kill it, will it release any toxins into the water, like other anems, and harm my livestock???
  5. kaotik

    Good star for my tank???

    i found that pic on a site that was selling it, but im not into buying online. they said it was a multiflora. do you have a pic of what they generally look like?
  6. kaotik

    Some Eye Candy

    you have 10 tangs in that one tank?? How big is the tank??
  7. kaotik

    Good star for my tank???

    is this the Linckia multiflora you were talking about? if so, where can i get one...I have never seen these for sale anywhere??
  8. kaotik

    Good star for my tank???

    ophiura, no offense taken. thanks for the great info! i'd rather have someone tell me the facts than have a star die!!
  9. kaotik

    questions about a sebe clown and anemone

    yeah that bulb should be fine. I feed half a silverside twice a week. i dont want to overfeed with those things because im sure it releases a lot of ammonia into the water. if your anem hosts a clown, the clown will feed the anem and you probably wont have to feed it as often.
  10. kaotik

    Why do nano cubes picture an anemone?

    could be... the light would have to have actinic and it would have to be a small anemone, but usually nanos are short enough for the light to penetrate. the only problem is that the lighting is probably either NO or HO floures which is not stong enough lighting. if it is PC then it might be okay
  11. kaotik

    Clowns near death...

    how did you acclimate? what are water parameters?
  12. kaotik

    Anenome and clown

    i feed my LTA silversides, but im not sure about a sebae. I just think about when theyre in the wild, anemone eat fish and meaty stuff. I have only seen a couple percula host with a sebae, but it all depends on what the clown likes. :) I have also seen a couple chromis rub across anemone...
  13. kaotik

    I confess, I have a problem.

    yeah, i'd agree with the water changes. Having more water movement helped control my algae.
  14. kaotik

    1st picks let me know what you think

    i keep thinking of the different types of corals you could get, and upon closer inspection of your pictures, you've already got them all!!! Looks like you have one of everything!! Nice looking tank!!
  15. kaotik

    Good star for my tank???

    wow, he looks BIG!!! Nice looking star!
  16. kaotik

    Zoanthids, how can you tell if they are healthy

    it looks like some of the polps in A are actually white and disintegrated, while in B, they all look healthy.
  17. kaotik

    Good star for my tank???

    tank size = 60gal Age = 4 months LR = approx 50lbs water params = Am = 0 Ni = 0 Na = 0 pH = 8.2 Temp = 82F Spec G = 1.023 the serpent stars that I am refering to are smooth, while the brittle star has little spikes all over it. You are probably right that they are the same, they just look...
  18. kaotik

    Good star for my tank???

    I currently have fish, liver rock, couple corals, anem, and inverts... I am wondering, what type of 'starfish' could I get that would be okay with coral/LR? I dont really care for the brittlestars as they are always hidden in the rockwork. (even though i may get a couple just for my cleaner...
  19. kaotik

    A short progression on my tank.

    Are you planning on moving your Koran and your Trigger to larger tanks??