Search results for query: yellow belly blue tang

  1. btldreef

    BTLDreef's 180 Tank Build

    Well, we had a casualty. Our mystery wrasse found the tiniest hole to jump through and went tile surfing yesterday. I guess that solves the fight between my husband and I on whether or not we were keeping him, LOL. My McCosker's looks really beat up, so I'm assuming those two were having a fight...
  2. btldreef

    BTLDreef's 180 Tank Build

    Stocking (of course, subject to change - but here's where we're at) * = already owned *Blonde Naso Tang *Purple Tang *Yellow Belly Blue Hippo (probably will go in a different tank ultimately) *Black Combtooth Blenny *Tail Spot Blenny *Cleaner Wrasse (I've owned this fish for years, don't start...
  3. btldreef

    Rarest fish /invert you own?

    Wow this thread got brought back from the dead. Okay, I'll play: Nothing I own is super rare, but still not a lot own these guys: Yasha Goby/Pistol Shrimp pair: Orange Spotted Filefish - converted to frozen food Yellow Belly Hippo Tang: Blue Spot Jawfish: Gold Torch: Blue Lobophyllia...
  4. btldreef

    180 Reef Stocking list

    Here's where I'm at, these are definites (at the moment, LOL): Blonde Naso Tang Purple Tang Yellow Belly Hippo (still may end up in the FOWLR) Cleaner Wrasse Black Combtooth Blenny Tail Spot Blenny Mystery Wrasse (still might get rid of) Coral Beauty Angelfish McCosker's Wrasse Aiptasia eating...
  5. btldreef

    180 Reef Stocking list

    It's FINALLY that time! The tank will be up and running shortly. I've put a lot of thought into the stocking of this tank over the past few months, but, it's never definite. So here's what we've got: (* means it is already owned and it's staying, x means it's owned but could leave) * Purple Tang...
  6. cwalth

    Need help for a first time aquarium

    Alright, so this is my first aquarium that I'm starting to consider getting. I literally have done nothing outside of having a couple of goldfish before in my life, so I just want some tips on how I should go about this and if my ideal fish and coral selections would work together. Also, over...
  7. btldreef

    BTLDReef's 155G Update

    Looks great.....I love your way of thinking too HAHA Lol. I couldn't turn down this guy for $45, there was no way. I actually went in to buy salt and saw him. Left and went back an hour later after thinking about it and he was still there (this store moves fish REALLY fast) so I snatched him...
  8. crhawkeye

    Adding new stock now that I'm upgrading to a 240 gal it. My final stock is as follows: Zebra Eel Picasso Trigger Black Hawaiian Trigger Queen Angel Emperor Angel Purple Tang Yellow Belly Blue Tang Sunset Wrasse Miniatus Grouper I added extra filtration for the added bio load, filtration as follows: Fluval FX5 rated 400 gal Wet Dry rated...
  9. blackjacktang

    Seeking Experts Advice

    Quote: Originally Posted by Xcali1985 Heres my stocklist for a 240G 8' Reef Tank. Any suggestions or comments? 2 x False Percula Clownfish 1 x Red Firefish 1 x Purple Firefish 1 x Pink Square Anthias (Male) 2 x Pink Square Anthias (Female) 1 x Green Anthias 1 x Dispar Anthias 1 x Powder Blue...
  10. xcali1985

    Seeking Experts Advice

    Heres my stocklist for a 240G 8' Reef Tank. Any suggestions or comments? 2 x False Percula Clownfish 1 x Red Firefish 1 x Purple Firefish 1 x Pink Square Anthias (Male) 2 x Pink Square Anthias (Female) 1 x Green Anthias 1 x Dispar Anthias 1 x Powder Blue Tang 1 x Blond Naso Tang 1 x Achilles...
  11. cjsoup

    Fish Disease or New Tank Syndrome?

    Purchased biocube 29 gal tank before Thanksgiving so we could have fish at Christmas. Added 1 blue damsel, 1 green chromis 2 weeks later. Green chromis died a few days later and we replaced with a domino damsel. Got a cleaner pack including a lawnmower blenny at around 3 weeks. Did a 20% water...
  12. sparty059

    Picking up new fish

    Quote: Originally Posted by 2Quills Quote: Originally Posted by Sparty059 So I just got back from my lfs. They only had one pacific blue tang in the tank that was brought in on Oct 1. I opted not to buy him because his underside was turning white and spotted white up his side. I figured this...
  13. 2quills

    Picking up new fish

    Quote: Originally Posted by Sparty059 So I just got back from my lfs. They only had one pacific blue tang in the tank that was brought in on Oct 1. I opted not to buy him because his underside was turning white and spotted white up his side. I figured this had to have been ich so I passed. They...
  14. kylev

    280g FOWLR Tank Diary

    Looking at anthias's I'm liking the maldives and was wondering how many and what m/f ratio would be a good number. So since it keeps changing my current list is as follows Tangs Blue hippo yellow belly hippo purple tang achilles tang (could try to sneak in a naso at some point) Angels Queen...
  15. flower

    HELP with Clean Up Crew

    Quote: Originally Posted by kaseykagan We have a 155 gallon Reef Tank. Our fish so far consist of: Yellow Belly Regal Tang Sailfin Tang Flagfin Angel Diamond Goby 2 Clowns Bicolor Blennie 2 Banjii Cardinals 2 Cleaner Shrimp 1 Blood Shrimp 4 blue and red legged hermit crabs A few snails Just...
  16. kaseykagan

    HELP with Clean Up Crew

    We have a 155 gallon Reef Tank. Our fish so far consist of: Yellow Belly Regal Tang Sailfin Tang Flagfin Angel Diamond Goby 2 Clowns Bicolor Blennie 2 Banjii Cardinals 2 Cleaner Shrimp 1 Blood Shrimp 4 blue and red legged hermit crabs A few snails Just wondering what fish would be beneficial for...
  17. kjr_trig

    280g FOWLR Tank Diary

    Quote: Originally Posted by Kylev Thanks for the info As of now i'm thinking i'd be pushing my luck with the sohal considering all the other tangs that will be in there. So from my last list I posted I think I might change out the sailfin for the yellow belly and possibly the sohal for a...
  18. kylev

    280g FOWLR Tank Diary

    If I knew i wouldnt ever need to add a new fish I would do one for sure because they are by far my favorite tang. Right now I'm thinking the Sohal could get replaced with a yellow belly blue hippo tang, or a BPT but cant they be hard to keep healthy? I wish the achilles werent such a pain of a...
  19. marrone

    Tang's suggestion!

    ...for sale locally, cheap too! but i don't want any large tang anymore i had 13" dessumieri, 14" vlamingi and recently sold 9" yellow belly blue tang the clown tang scares me too!. last video formal dining room side family room side...
  20. bullitr

    Tang's suggestion!

    ...for sale locally, cheap too! but i don't want any large tang anymore i had 13" dessumieri, 14" vlamingi and recently sold 9" yellow belly blue tang the clown tang scares me too!. last video formal dining room side family room side...