What fish would you love to have. (and what fish do you think you might possibly get in the future)

rainbow grouper

Active Member
I'll start us off
Dream fish:
Achilles tang
blue girdled angel
queen angel
Fish i am hoping to get when i move out.
Foxface rabbtifish
chevron tang
schooling bannerfish
coral beauty angelfish.
So what fish would you buy if you had an almost unlimited supply of money.( if only we did)


Well-Known Member
I made sure I had the right size tank and got the fish I love. The color yellow is my all time favorite. I hate mean fish that bully other fish, so the yellow tang was no go for me...I LOVE my Lemonpeel Angelfish. The only sadness is that I can keep only one.
My other absolute favorite dream fish are Seahorses...I have them in a 56g in my bedroom. Also some tiny bright yellow clown gobies...gotta have something yellow :)
I don't need an unlimited amount of money to have the things in life I want....I knew what I wanted, and used the money I worked for to get it. I make sure bills are paid, and the rest is all mine to do what I want with it. My children are grown, I spent the early years of my life making sure they had what they needed and wanted within reason...now my life is my own.
LOL...My grandchildren are always pointing out things they want...I tell them to go to school and when they are grown work hard, and they can have anything they need and want out of life...Because your life is what you make it to be.

rainbow grouper

Active Member
I know i'm just interested my problem is i am so at awe with everything in the sea i want everything but when i'm older if i can get 140 gallon i'm just fine if i can get anything bigger well thats just lucky.


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by rainbow grouper http:///t/388495/what-fish-would-you-love-to-have-and-what-fish-do-you-think-you-might-possibly-get-in-the-future#post_3426307
I know i'm just interested my problem is i am so at awe with everything in the sea i want everything but when i'm older if i can get 140 gallon i'm just fine if i can get anything bigger well thats just lucky.
A 140g is not really all that big...Meowzer was given a 225g and it isn't lucky...you get your education and work hard. You are only limited by your own mind. At your age, you can do anything you put your mind to and just do it. There is no luck, life is what you make it.
Physical limtations do exist, and there are plenty of folks who have done the (what others thought) impossible. It is all a matter of your own determination. If you want it bad enough..press on. There are people with no arms that became artists, and folks with no legs running marathons, I watch shows about them all the time. They are regular people who wanted to do something bad enough to overcome the obstacles.
Now here you are, perfectly healthy...what can hold you back? Do you want the whole sea??? Become a deep sea diver and live close to the ocean where you can visit your playground all the time. The fish of the sea are like your fish tank, they stake out their territory and once you learn what hangs out where...go visiting, just watch out for jaws and his friends.
Who needs a fish tank....You can grow up and make your home in the ocean.....why not? It can be done you know.


I think that a 140 is a BIG tank, but thats probly just becuse im used to looking at my 55 gallon nano tank all day long. I one day will upgraid to a 125 and will probly look at that like it is HUGE, (to me).

Originally Posted by Flower http:///t/388495/what-fish-would-you-love-to-have-and-what-fish-do-you-think-you-might-possibly-get-in-the-future#post_3426317
A 140g is not really all that big...Meowzer was given a 225g and it isn't lucky...you get your education and work hard. You are only limited by your own mind. At your age, you can do anything you put your mind to and just do it. There is no luck, life is what you make it.
Physical limtations do exist, and there are plenty of folks who have done the (what others thought) impossible. It is all a matter of your own determination. If you want it bad enough..press on. There are people with no arms that became artists, and folks with no legs running marathons, I watch shows about them all the time. They are regular people who wanted to do something bad enough to overcome the obstacles.
Now here you are, perfectly healthy...what can hold you back? Do you want the whole sea??? Become a deep sea diver and live close to the ocean where you can visit your playground all the time. The fish of the sea are like your fish tank, they stake out their territory and once you learn what hangs out where...go visiting, just watch out for jaws and his friends.
Who needs a fish tank....You can grow up and make your home in the ocean.....why not? It can be done you know.


Dream fish: Emporor angle
Next fish: Nothing untill i get the other tank set up, probly i dwarf bi color angle. When I have my 125 (not anytime soon) i plan to have a tang or 2 in it.

rainbow grouper

Active Member
Originally Posted by Flower http:///t/388495/what-fish-would-you-love-to-have-and-what-fish-do-you-think-you-might-possibly-get-in-the-future#post_3426317
A 140g is not really all that big...Meowzer was given a 225g and it isn't lucky...you get your education and work hard. You are only limited by your own mind. At your age, you can do anything you put your mind to and just do it. There is no luck, life is what you make it.
Physical limtations do exist, and there are plenty of folks who have done the (what others thought) impossible. It is all a matter of your own determination. If you want it bad enough..press on. There are people with no arms that became artists, and folks with no legs running marathons, I watch shows about them all the time. They are regular people who wanted to do something bad enough to overcome the obstacles.
Now here you are, perfectly healthy...what can hold you back? Do you want the whole sea??? Become a deep sea diver and live close to the ocean where you can visit your playground all the time. The fish of the sea are like your fish tank, they stake out their territory and once you learn what hangs out where...go visiting, just watch out for jaws and his friends.
Who needs a fish tank....You can grow up and make your home in the ocean.....why not? It can be done you know.
Originally Posted by Socks002
I think that a 140 is a BIG tank, but thats probly just becuse im used to looking at my 55 gallon nano tank all day long. I one day will upgraid to a 125 and will probly look at that like it is HUGE, (to me).

if you want it bad enough get a 225 gallon i have seen a video on youtube about a disabled person making and maintaining a 52,000 gallon now that only exists in my dreams.


Well-Known Member
Dream fish: mystery wrasse, purple tang, black tang, helfrich firefish goby, pair of aquacultured ORA mandarin dragonets, powder blue tang, a shoal of anthias either barletts or pink square anthias
Next fish: yellow clown goby, neon goby, bi-color blenny, and either a maroon clown or a cinnamon clown, depending on what I feel is right.


Active Member
Dream fish: Gem tang; Pair of ORA Picasso clowns; Longhorn cowfish; Emperor Snapper; Goldflake angel
Next fish: not sure for now.


I would love to keep anthias :( I have tried 2 batchs and lost them all.....
IDK what's next.....The 54G has been fallow for a while now, so I need to start re-thinking it
Maybe I'll fill it wuth anthias.....LOLOL


I already own some of my dream fish, but here's my list (*=owned)
Dream fish: Achilles Tang, Orange Spotted Filefish*, harem of Resplendent Anthias*, harem of Red Capped Anthias, Borbonious Anthias, Gem Tang, Flame Prawn Goby, Candy Hogfish*, Blue Star Leopard Wrasse*, Potters Dwarf Angelfish, reef safe Copperband Butterfly*, Japanese Dragon Eel, and I have to agree with Bang Guy, a pair of Leafy Sea Dragons would be pretty awesome
Next fish: a female to pair with my male Blue Star Leopard Wrasse and an Achilles or Powder Blue Tang to replace my Yellow Belly Hippo Tang.

orca t

Hmmm...... thats a thinker. I would have to say................
lighting clowns (mated pair)
chocolate Tang (if my powder blue would be okay with it)
French Angel
Regal Angel

orca t



Ah, lightning clowns! How could I forget to add that to my list after our chat today Orca? They're awesome



No nope nope nope same genus of tangs btl told me that if got one it tear my ancanthrus pyroferus apart( ancanthrus pyroferus = mimic tang, choclate tang.)
You're leaving out some details that play a big factor: your tank isn't large enough to house the two.

orca t

Really...... I know a couple of people that have both Tangs. You do have to make sure your system is large enough and that you introduce the new one carefully. and the new comer has to be smaller than the other. (should be anyway)