What fish would you love to have. (and what fish do you think you might possibly get in the future)



I consider myself fortunate to have had or have many of the fish here.
My ultimate dream later is about 500g tank like my buddy Deejeff here and have a huge nice fowlr tank with alots of tangs and angels.
Naso tang
Blonde naso tang. (had it as a baby and it outgrew my tank so I gave her to my friend. Very sad even to this day..)
Achilles Tang
Emperor Angel
Queen Angel (absolutely loved her as well but too big for my current tank and also had to give it to my friend's LFS for credit)
Blue face angel
Majestic Angel
Clown Trigger (my favorite trigger)
School of anthias
Red corris wrasse
Six line wrasse
chisel tooth wrasse
and MANY types of butterfly fish although they are pain in the butt to keep.



If I lived alone there's a better than average chance that my pool would now be a reef.
I should try this idea on my husband!
The local aquarium runs an outdoor reef/pool setup during the summer where you can swim and snorkel. It's really neat!


Actually my friend actually did try it here in FL.
He gave it up after couple of months because it was so hard to maintain it.
In Florida, it rains all year long and whenever it rains, all the parameters go wacky and it was terrible.
After losing alot of fish, time, patience and money he gave it up. It's a shame because it was beautiful.