Search results for query: yellow belly blue tang

  1. bullitr

    Tang's suggestion!

    seems like a newbie question but i will asked it anyway i have 5 of 2" yellow tang 5" Yellow tang 5"AND 4" purple tang 5"orange shoulder 5" powder brown tang 7" blue tang 7-8" sailfin tang i sold and want to replace my 2 triggers and my 8- 9" yellow belly tang with 3 small blue tang 2 more small...
  2. gary_gun

    Ich please help

    ...wasnt really able to find anything about this so I decided to come here. I have a 55 Gal FOWLR and about a week ago I bought a yellow belly blue tang. My first mistake is that I was impatient and decided that I would not quarantine him before adding to my display tank. And of course after...
  3. jackri

    Jackri's 90g reef

    I think I have too many frags in my tank making at least the bottom look too crowded. My tangs stopped getting along and my yellow belly blue hippo after over a year relentlessly kept tearing at my yellow tang. I thought it was dead and couldn't find it at all. Next day I did see him but he...
  4. kylev

    280g FOWLR Tank Diary

    Ok the time has come for me to start ordering up my equipment for my new 280gallon tank setup. I am going into the LFS to pay for my new custom tank that should be ready in around 2 weeks from then. Its going to be an L tank with the inner dimensions against the wall of 3'x4' x2'wide x2'tall...
  5. kylev

    280g Fish List

    How would this fish list work Queen, Emperor, Blueface angels flame and coral beauty dwarf angels pair of clowns sohal tang- last fish yellow belly hippo blonde naso blue spot or tiger jawfish harlequin tusk male leapord wrasse, after tanks real matured ????? starry blenny saddleback butterfly...
  6. happyfeet

    Trouble Keeping Coral

    My feet are getting less happy! I can't seem to keep coral, of any kind. Everything I've read says that I should be able to keep them. Tank is 75 Gal + 20Gal sump+ refugium Params, Ammonia, 0 Nitrite, 0 Ph, 8.1-8.2 Nitrate 15-10(I think this may be the problem and I'm currently working to lower...
  7. happyfeet

    75Gal Upgrade

    I haven't posted here in a while, figured I'd give everyone an update how everything is going. Last I posted I had a 55gal tank I had just set up and finished cycling. I had a bet with a friend to get a complete tank set up and running for under $400 dollars. I won my bet and everythnig was...
  8. 95harley

    Help me convert my 240g from FOWLR to Reef

    OK, after my overnight revelation I'm ready to get started on the converstion. I want to make it a Reef that can also support my Dragon Moray eel. So keep that in mind as we go. A 3' eel (or two) will be in this tank along with a lot of small fish (Damsels, Chromis, Sgt Majors, Clowns, Anthias...
  9. fishkid13

    Lets See those Reefs!

    ...helping the corals. Originally Posted by bullitr my current 300 gallon tank soon to be see through. livestock: blue tang 7" yellow belly blue tang 9" sailfin tang 8" desjardinii sailfin 2" purple tang 6" and 4" yellow tang 5",4" and 3.5" orange shoulder 5" powder brown 5" half black tang...
  10. bullitr

    Lets See those Reefs!

    my current 300 gallon tank soon to be see through. livestock: blue tang 7" yellow belly blue tang 9" sailfin tang 8" desjardinii sailfin 2" purple tang 6" and 4" yellow tang 5",4" and 3.5" orange shoulder 5" powder brown 5" half black tang 2.5" tomini/bristle tooth tang 3" Australian copperband...
  11. bullitr

    my yellow belly blue tang turn almost yellow

    pick up the tang from my neighbor its huge almost 9" i just drop it on my main tank for few hours and add my daily kalkwasser dosing.then when my other blue tang mess with it it turns almost yellow.
  12. bullitr

    my 300 gallon mixed reef recreation diary

    just got a large yellow belly blue tang from my neighbor as a trade. sold my 29 gallon cowfish reef biocube tank
  13. bullitr

    my 300 gallon mixed reef recreation diary

    using 3 actinic and 1 10 k on my 50 gallon frag tank. i might pick up a large yellow belly blue tang from a friend. The sailfin tang still not eating and the parasite is all over.
  14. btldreef

    Starting a reef/fish tank. Stocking questions.

    Hi Congrats to you for finish your cycling, always a good feeling. I've listed a lot of comments throughout your quote underneath, my comments appear in red. When you're ready to start adding things to your tank, start with some cheap inverts first, hermits, snails, etc. See how it goes for...
  15. pmac85

    Starting a reef/fish tank. Stocking questions.

    Hi, I'm pretty new to this, and I've just recently finished cycling a 90 Gallon, 4 foot tank. I've got a 20 gallon sump underneath with a live rock refugium. I've got some questions about adding livestock to my tank. As the title of my post says, I plan on this being a mixed, reef/fish aquarium...
  16. jackri

    stocklist? please critique

    I have a yellow belly blue hippo and a yellow tang in my 90g and both are healthy and fine although the blue hippo really could use a bigger tank. I've heard cardinals are agressive to each other in numbers but I have no personal experience with them. I kind of do want some some bangai's myself...
  17. jackri

    My "Fishlist", Your Experience with this Site, and Their Protein Skimmer

    Pics of my tangs in this thread. Unfortunately I poisoned my sailfin tang, a clown fish and a algae blenny by doing dishes hours before a water change in my frag tank. One lone clown survived and a huge bag of charcoal later made a full recovery late the next day...
  18. fishkid13

    Fishkid's 135gal reef build...

    Nada mucho. I reaquascaped my rockwork. Looks a lot cooler in person. Plus once I get coral growing (all of mine died) it will look better. And bad picture quality... and cloudy water... Attachment 232348 Attachment 232349 Attachment 232350 Attachment 232351 Attachment 232352 Refugium is now...
  19. cjrose

    Ocellars Clowns not eating

    I have a 125gl Fowlr running for 7 or 8 months. I recently started adding fish. I have a yellow tang, red-spotted blenny, royal gramma, 2 clowns, 1 coral banded shrimp, 1 peppermint shrimp, a few snails and a few red legged crabs. The snails, crabs and shrimp have been in the tank for several...
  20. jackri

    Anyone Used De-Nitrate on a their reef???

    I would say you're overfeeding them. My main tank 90g reef with a 4" yellow tang, 5" yellow belly blue hippo tang, damsel, clown, chromis, 6-line, tons of inverts get ONLY one cube of brine or mysis or algae sheet a day for 2 days... then a day off and they are all fat and happy. Occasionally...