Search results for query: yellow belly blue tang

  1. sh2000

    Just got a Yellow Belly Hippo Tang !

    i have a 72 i just got but its not 10 leaked and i threw it out last night bujt the garbage men did not take it.. ..right now i have an 80 gal with semi aggresive fish in it but there is a tang in there...the 120 has ick in it and is almost donw with the cycle...all the fish from...
  2. m0nk

    Just got a Yellow Belly Hippo Tang !

    Originally Posted by SH2000 thats very important info I got a 5+ inch yellow belly and a 3 inch blue tang...I was planning on QT in the's empty with 20 lb's of LR and some sponges and what do i do ? the yellow belly hippo was on sale half off and im friends with the
  3. sh2000

    Just got a Yellow Belly Hippo Tang !

    I acclimated them so far in the same foam box 10 gallons...i just took out the regular blue tang....and put him in another foam...what do i do now ? my 55's are qt's one of them has the fiosh that are undergoing hypo the other i was planning on qt these 2 tangs 1 yellow belly 5+ inches and 1...
  4. sh2000

    Just got a Yellow Belly Hippo Tang !

    thats very important info I got a 5+ inch yellow belly and a 3 inch blue tang...I was planning on QT in the's empty with 20 lb's of LR and some sponges and what do i do ? the yellow belly hippo was on sale half off and im friends with the I got it for $50.
  5. m0nk

    Just got a Yellow Belly Hippo Tang !

    Originally Posted by SH2000 I went to my LFS and got a yellow belly today 5+ inches..I have seen it in a 12 foot long tank for 4 months and it grew 1/2 an looked so healthy and i'm so happy..I'm acclimating him now to my 55 QT its really a beautiful fish any special needs for him ? or...
  6. sh2000

    Just got a Yellow Belly Hippo Tang !

    I went to my LFS and got a yellow belly today 5+ inches..I have seen it in a 12 foot long tank for 4 months and it grew 1/2 an looked so healthy and i'm so happy..I'm acclimating him now to my 55 QT its really a beautiful fish any special needs for him ? or are they the same care as a...
  7. eaglephot

    ABOUT YOU--INFO to find otu what we all have in COMMON!!

    I am 20 (21 in 4 days)... I have a 135 gallon reef with TONS of leathers, lots of LPS, BTA, some SPS, Yellow Belly blue tang, Blue Spine Unicorn Tang, blue tang, yellow tang, true percula clown, royal gramma. I used to have a pet duck named Marie (no I don't live on a farm). I love to collect...
  8. eaglephot

    Eye It & Buy It Hippo Tang

    Originally Posted by SH2000 I will go to my LFS tomorrow with a yellow belley hippo tang 5-6 inches from the red seas it was $125 it has been there and helthy for 3 months in a 12 foot long tank...the price now is $ whatver you want I guess I found a deal..I personally do not like it I...
  9. sh2000

    Eye It & Buy It Hippo Tang

    I will go to my LFS tomorrow with a yellow belley hippo tang 5-6 inches from the red seas it was $125 it has been there and helthy for 3 months in a 12 foot long tank...the price now is $ whatver you want I guess I found a deal..I personally do not like it I preffer a vibrant blue and...
  10. aquaknight

    Eye It & Buy It Hippo Tang

    What the hidden text says: Beautiful Fish and amazing size 5-6 inches. The Yellow Belly variant of the Blue Hippo Tang is very rare. The price is very reasonable IMO, don't forget there's free shipping!
  11. eaglephot

    Eye It & Buy It Hippo Tang

    I am really considering purchasing the yellow belly blue tang in the eye it and buy it section. Based on look and size, is that price a little high? It seems high to me. Please don't post where I can get one for cheaper. :) If I buy one, I'll buy it here. What do you think about the price?
  12. sh2000

    Post your LFS horror stories!

    you can always get deals on lf from petland they don't know whats going on and most of the employees there don't know the dif. between a clown trigger and a clown fish. I recently got a Yellow Belly Blue Hippo Tang 3 or 4 inches for $29.99.
  13. S

    330 GALLON Reff tank diary

    The only fish that I can think of that is in the size and price range and rare, not ultra rare but none the less is a purple tang from the red sea not the indo pacific, as they dont fare as well and are priced along the lines of a blue hippo. or a hybrid power brown, gold rim or blue hippo tang...
  14. keith burn

    I need a fish id please

    Originally Posted by KrazeKajin I hope this is okay to post. If not I am very sorry. A catalog from the Drs has on one of its first pages a blue hippo tang with a vibrant yellow belly and head? has anybody ever seen one like that. is it a different species or a hybrid? Found this pic yellow...
  15. ccampbell57

    I need a fish id please

    They are collected from a different part of the ocean. Same breed, just different coloration. They are called "Paracanthurus hepatus"...yellow-belly Regal (Hippo) Blue Tang. Very pricey as they are rarely seen in the trade
  16. krazekajin

    I need a fish id please

    I hope this is okay to post. If not I am very sorry. A catalog from the Drs has on one of its first pages a blue hippo tang with a vibrant yellow belly and head? has anybody ever seen one like that. is it a different species or a hybrid?
  17. reefmate75

    blue hippo problem

    ive got a blue hippo i just bought 2 weeks ago i do not use a QT and hes got something bothering him, hes the only fish i have added to my tank in well over a year it dosent look like ick its not white, it looks like brown spots on his sides and not on his fins, he used to only have it on one...
  18. grabbitt

    Purple Pseudo = Assassin

    Originally Posted by 1boatnut So is the pseudo gone ? I have a purple pseudochromis in a 29gal with a Yellow Belly Blue Hippo Tang,an Ocelerous Clown and 2 small Green Chromis. The pseud will swim with tha Tang and the Clown. He does however terrorize the Chromis,but they are too fast(so far)...
  19. 1boatnut

    Purple Pseudo = Assassin

    So is the pseudo gone ? I have a purple pseudochromis in a 29gal with a Yellow Belly Blue Hippo Tang,an Ocelerous Clown and 2 small Green Chromis. The pseud will swim with tha Tang and the Clown. He does however terrorize the Chromis,but they are too fast(so far) for it. My plan was to move all...
  20. mike22cha

    Build My Dream Tank !!!

    Originally Posted by ccampbell57 1000 gallons?? Ok here is what I would do. Black substrate. 500-1000lbs of live rock COVERED in puple and red coraline algea stacked in the middle for an oval track shape. Lots of cool tonga branch coming out of it for nooks and crannies. I would build caves all...