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  1. nj crabcakes

    disapearing fish

    I'm putting a sterilizer on tonite and see what happens
  2. nj crabcakes

    disapearing fish

    Nothing everything looked fine is it possible there is a rogue crab or something in the rocks they said if it was a mantis shrimp I would here a popping sound from time to time this isn't my first tank I had a 125 last time just got real xpensive with utilities trying to do a smaller tank with a...
  3. nj crabcakes

    disapearing fish

  4. nj crabcakes

    disapearing fish

    Setup was started thanksgiving weekend with live sand , refugium, and waterfall type filter with chemipure bag and eshopps protein skimmer
  5. nj crabcakes

    disapearing fish

    Yes I can I will tonite using ro water warming it up before I do water changes doing 5gal every 2weeks corals doing fine have 3 new test kits nitrate,phosphate , and ph just purchased a refractometer should have it today don't have ammonia or nitrite test kits yet just seems strange that inverts...
  6. nj crabcakes

    disapearing fish

    no nitates or phosphates 8.2 on ph doing water change every 2 weeks what am i missing
  7. nj crabcakes

    disapearing fish

    came home tonite from dinner and found my clown fish dead only have 2 fish left in a 46 gal tank with 50 lbs of rock 1 blood shrimp have two new fish coming tomorrow through the mail im concerned cause im tired of seeing fish die any ideas the two fish are a bengai and a 6 line wrasse which i...
  8. nj crabcakes

    disapearing fish

    Yea pipefish died stuck to power head store said he is going to tall to dealer to get me another one for free but I think BTDL is right need a calm setting just thought it would be neat fish to have
  9. nj crabcakes

    disapearing fish

  10. nj crabcakes

    disapearing fish

    It has yellow and black bands on it with a round red flag type tail
  11. nj crabcakes

    disapearing fish

    3 months been eating mysis shrimp trying to do dosil fish
  12. nj crabcakes

    disapearing fish

    hey i swapped the tang for a pipe fish also purchased a percula clown lets see what happens now
  13. nj crabcakes

    disapearing fish

    Thanks guys my 11 fish were all much smaller but I'm still gonna see if I can swap out the tang just a that he looks so good probably cause he on a seefood diet
  14. nj crabcakes

    disapearing fish

    Thanks guys my 11 fish were all much smaller but I'm still gonna see if I can swap out the tang just a that he looks so good probably cause he on a seefood diet
  15. nj crabcakes

    disapearing fish

    hi i have a 46 bow tank about 50 lbs of live rock had 11 fish ,now im down to 3 some just disapear and a few found dead i have a yellow tang a bengai and a 6 line wrasse also 1 blood shrimp witch moulted twice the fish left look healthy except for the bangai who looks like a side fin is missing...