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  1. saltygal

    ammonia & nitrites up

    The lion has been eating every day - so far it's been silverslides, krill and mussell. And I only use RO tap.
  2. saltygal

    ammonia & nitrites up

    I just looked it up and it is Aquarium Pharmaceuticals....the one I've always been using.
  3. saltygal

    ammonia & nitrites up

    I don't recall the brand of my test kit at the moment...I also use it for testing my reef tank.
  4. saltygal

    Ammonia & Nitrites Up

    I have a 55 gallon tank that completed cycling a few weeks ago (used raw shrimp for cycling). It has about a 1" sandbed which was seeded from my reef tank along with a few pieces of lace rock (no live rock). I'm using an Aquaclear 70 for filtration. All parameters were at 0 for about a week...
  5. saltygal

    ammonia & nitrites up

    I have a 55 gallon tank that completed cycling a few weeks ago (used raw shrimp for cycling). It has about a 1" sandbed which was seeded from my reef tank along with a few pieces of lace rock (no live rock). I'm using an Aquaclear 70 for filtration. All parameters were at 0 for about a week...
  6. saltygal

    Dwarf Lion Feeding Question

    The LFS had him about a month and was feeding him chunks of clam, mussell, shrimp, etc. He just doesn't associate me with feeding yet, but I'm sure he'll come around.
  7. saltygal

    55g stock list

    My fuzzy is about 4-5"....wouldn't a small toby puffer (like a valentini) be at risk of being eaten?
  8. saltygal

    Dwarf Lion Feeding Question

    I got a dwarf fuzzy last Thursday (he was eating quite aggressively at the LFS - and even jumped into the next tank thinking it was feeding time). He hid until Saturday and then ate one chunk of mussell. Last night he ate a piece of frozen krill and two silverslides but then didn't seem...
  9. saltygal

    School of Chromis?

    How many blue/green chromis in a 55g? Only other inhabitant would be a fuzzy dwarf lion.
  10. saltygal

    Fuzzy Lion and Goby?

    Fuzzy lion and dwarf angel in 55g. Would a diamond goby be history?
  11. saltygal

    Huma & Damsels?

    The Huma would be in the 55 for maybe a year or two max - depending on his size and growth....then an upgrade in tank size will be underway.
  12. saltygal

    Huma & Damsels?

    Or would a dwarf angel be better than the damsels?
  13. saltygal

    Huma & Damsels?

    Maybe like 3 damsels? Or any suggesions on one other fish that would be compatible with the huma?
  14. saltygal

    Huma & Damsels?

    Would a small huma work in a 55 - along with a few of the more aggressive damsels? Or one other fish? Who gets added first? No eels, lol. Thanks much.
  15. saltygal

    Suggestions on stocking a 55 or 75

    Did you introduce the Huma and Niger into the tank at the same time?
  16. saltygal

    Suggestions on stocking a 55 or 75

    Will be setting up a 55 or 75 FOWLR in the near future. Any suggestions on a tankmate(s) with a small huma trigger? Second option is a dwarf fuzzy lion...possibly with a bi-color angel, or small spotted puffer, or ???