Search results

  1. sebae09

    keeping bamboo shark

    i thought i responded to this one, anyways first off dont hatch one yourself its extremely hard to do and i cant even do it, your going to need a big skimmer and a good sump with macro algea in it. very fine sand is a must and low lighting is best. sharks are noctournal so you need to feed at...
  2. sebae09

    next addition

    sorry noone responded, what size tank is it? blue linkias have a poor survival rate flame scallops are hard to keep requireing spot feeding and sebae anemonies need alot of light.
  3. sebae09

    Question about the new pillow cushion star they are selling on SWF

    im sorry i looked on every site i know of and cant find anything. hopefully ophuria chimes in soon
  4. sebae09

    75 reef in the making

    awsome, keep up the good work.
  5. sebae09

    Experience with Sharpies

    i sent mike an email explaining who you were and what you wanted but he shouldn't respond untill next monday or so considering him and his wife split up and she took the computer (which is BS) but he gets on at work. i have his phone # around here someware ill try to call him after 9 when i get...
  6. sebae09

    Has anyone acclimated a Hawaiian Cleaner Wrasse?

    its common for wrasses to hide at night, alot go under the sand for pertection. when i had my cleaner wrass he would hide in a hole in a piece of rock i had at night. just make sure you feed him well and use selcon to enrich his food.
  7. sebae09

    lazy mans refuge questions

    dont use calupera it will take over the tank. cheato likes high water flow and wont go sexual so i would suggest useing that. post some pics when you get finished. thanks
  8. sebae09

    Why is my purple coraline algea turning white?

    have you exposed it to oxygen for a long time?
  9. sebae09

    New Sfe!!

    wanabebell is right, eels can get ich it is a common misconseption. most people think sharks cant get ich either but they can, it is rare but still possible
  10. sebae09

    Video Games Anybody?

    the metal gear solid series.
  11. sebae09

    Any Mod Asap

    i just cant stand stuff like that, especially on this website considering it makes look bad.
  12. sebae09

    Any Mod Asap

    thank you squidd
  13. sebae09

    Angel Britney Sucking Cock [video inside]!!!

    its makeing this website(saltwaterfish) look bad, to many people have put time into this site to have sh!t like this on here. if they dont have anything to contribute or dont want to learn they dont need to be here. i see everyone on this site as a big family.
  14. sebae09

    Difficult fish that you've had luck keeping?

    Originally Posted by Jupoc911 yea i caught three actually. every year when the gulf stream switches a whole bunch of tropicals get blown up this way when they are eggs and end up in jersey. I have also seen sgt majors, lookdowns, and schooling jacks. Here is a pic of 2 of my guys that I think...
  15. sebae09

    Funny puffer story

    they will delete a story but they wont delete the [hr] in the beginers fourm. its messed up
  16. sebae09

    Angel Britney Sucking Cock [video inside]!!!

    good job buddy, your going to ge kicked off this site on your first post. i think its a new record.
  17. sebae09

    check this yellow tang out.

    thats horrible.
  18. sebae09

    check this yellow tang out.

    does anyone else think this is wierd? i thought for sure he would die without a tail, i dont understand how its lived so long?
  19. sebae09

    Need Strategy to put hermit crab to sleep for good

    well if your wanting to do it fast get a sledge hammer and take a swing i can guarentee that if you hit it it will die instantly. And the author of clownfishes says that the freezer is painless, she does it to deformed clownfish and clownfish that have deflated swim blatters.
  20. sebae09

    Lets See Some TANG!

    heres a good pic of a tang i found on the auction site. very wierd i wouldn't think he would have survived this long.