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  1. fishy88

    wts or wtt live rock in San Diego

    no not now. Its at my cousins house. I gave it to him because i took down 1 of my tanks and now he is getting rid of his tank so he is giving it back to me.
  2. fishy88

    wts or wtt live rock in San Diego

    Does anyone want the live rock?
  3. fishy88

    My Puffer

    He/she looks great. What do you feed him/her?
  4. fishy88

    Can i add shrimp and damsels

    I did. For my last tank i put squid in to get a ammonia spike then removed the squid. I wated for the ammonia to go down then i added damsels. I have never lost a damsel from cycling.
  5. fishy88

    get money quick.

    I did both. In the past i have used damsels and it took a long time for the ammonia to spike. My last setups i first put raw squid in untill the ammonia spiked then waited for the ammonia to go down a little and added damsels. I have never lost a fish durring cycle.
  6. fishy88

    2 new fish!

    if you dont mind me asking, why is your tank on the ground?
  7. fishy88

    new tank pic

    WOW the tank looks great. How big of a tank is that and what kind of lighting is on it? thanks
  8. fishy88

    tank size for a trigger

    Niger triggers get 50cm, Queen triggers get 60cm. People on here say the min for a queen is 240g so i would thing a niger would need maybe 200g.
  9. fishy88

    wts or wtt live rock in San Diego

    i don't have any pics. How would you like to ship it? The live rock is Buna, Marshal island, and a little figi. There isn't moch corraline on it though.
  10. fishy88

    wts or wtt live rock in San Diego

    I have 150 lbs of live rock i need to sell for $3lbs or maybe trade.
  11. fishy88

    looking for 300g in San Diego area

    I am looking for a 300g complete setup in the San Diego area, but i will drive to LA.
  12. fishy88

    live plants

    What kind of lighting do you have and is the tank cycled? I dont think Corals really put a bioload to a tank.
  13. fishy88

    Updated Pics

    What happend to your sharks? The tank looks good.
  14. fishy88

    Next fish?

    We need a little more info like what other fish, type of filtration, and type of system(fo,fowlr,reef). With a 20g you are limited with the number of fish.
  15. fishy88

    Pet co ??

    btw i see more dead fish and all 3 of my lfs then i have seen at *****.
  16. fishy88

    Pet co ??

    my ***** is very good at taking care of their livestock. I have bought a neon dottyback and a purple tang that have lived for years now.
  17. fishy88

    name under name

    wait isnt titan trigger in there somewhere?
  18. fishy88

    dwarf fuzzy lion

    i wouldnt buy anymore fish untill your larger tank is set up.I have heard that lions can sting sharks. this causes the shark to die.
  19. fishy88

    lets see your smoothhounds

    180 is not the min. for a smoothound. i dont think you could keep it for very long if at all.
  20. fishy88

    Pictures, Pictures, Pictures, Pictures

    the whole tank looks great. Love the zoos. Great job