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  1. bla403

    Superzoom camera

    I saw that review as well as a few others. It seems the p100 and basically all other superzoom cameras have picture quality on par with other point and shoots. The p100 quality wasn't bad they felt it didn't stand out vs a normal point and shoot. Don't know if I will be able to get away from...
  2. bla403

    Superzoom camera

    Hi all, I am in the market for a new camera, currently have a small point and shoot which I like for general stuff and use for underwater photos. I was thinking of buying a superzoom since I don't want to spend too much on a Dslr an I need it to be somewhat compact when I go on my next vacation...
  3. bla403

    Salt of choice?

    Ive gone through a bunch. I was using red sea coral pro which I thought was good but my LFS stopped carrying it and told me that they liked Seachem better anyway. I switched to it and had some issues with it. Batches were inconsistent and mixed terribly. I had some SG problems as well as...
  4. bla403

    What are your hobbies?

    Wow I forgot to put scuba diving in my list!!! Seems like we have alot of gamers & beer drinkers thus far
  5. bla403

    Breeding Clams

    Any other thoughts on how they are aquacultured elsewhere? I dont see why this cant be simulated at home with the proper feeding and such.
  6. bla403

    What are your hobbies?

    home brewing ceramics pc gaming cars finding new hobbies
  7. bla403

    Refractometer question

    my gf hates the flashlight that stays next to my tank ... complains its always cluttered and that I dont need to "inspect" my tank at night but I believe we all do that.
  8. bla403

    Fish Traps for Tangs

    My hippo tang wasnt able to hurt me and I was able to corrale him away from the reef before I cornered him. I do like the eggcrate idea though if you can move rocks to do it. My reef is too stuffed to do that and corals have grown across different rocks so I cant detach them.
  9. bla403

    Refractometer question

    I used to have the problem of finding enough light but if I am checking my tanks sg I just bend down and point it at the t5's above my tank and they light it up nice!!.
  10. bla403

    The best MUST HAVE tank food?

    I use New life spectrum for pellet and feed a bit in the mornings. I use seaweed attached to a piece of PVC for the grazers that I get at the asian market. As for Frozens, Mysis, frozen cyclops mostly. I also have some frozen scallops & silverslides to feed an anemone once and a while but I...
  11. bla403

    Fish Traps for Tangs

    It may not be the best way but I used my hands. Use 1 hand and guide him into a smaller and smaller spot till you corner him. Cup your hands under him and out into a prefilled bucket or bag etc. You could wear gloves like dishwashing gloves, preferably unused ones if you see the need. Thats...
  12. bla403

    Discovery LIFE (Deep Sea) tonight 9pm EST

    I watched it and dvr'd it until I can get it on Blu-ray. My gf made fun of me all night as I pointed out the different types of fish and such..
  13. bla403

    Breeding Clams

  14. bla403

    Breeding Clams

    Any ideas? They seem to be aquacultured a lot but I didnt see any posts about people trying to breed them and grow them.
  15. bla403

    Breeding Clams

    Has anyone successsfully breeded clams in their tank before? I just got my second maxima for my reef and was wondering if anyone every had success. When my 1st maxima was alone, I would see him blow out more than water from his top hole but I dont believe they can self fertilize even though...
  16. bla403

    Omg my hippo attacked

    My blue hippo was a bully and I ended up bringing him to a lfs after having him for 6 months... He grew alot during that time. I used my hands to remove the blue hippo from the tank since he would go nuts when a net went in the tank. Just cornered him, cupped him and right into a bucket so I...
  17. bla403

    heater gone mad

    You could always use the broken one to get buckets of replacement water up to temp before a water change.. I use my old somewhat busted powerheads and heaters for that purpose. I notice my heater went nuts because the chiller kept turning on so much and I realized that the heater was going at...
  18. bla403

    A noob mistake...

    My diamond goby loves mysis shrimp and new life spectrum pellets. What are you feeding the clown?
  19. bla403

    Coralline growing on coral

    Adding a picture under normal tank lighting.
  20. bla403

    Coralline growing on coral

    I have a Hyacinth Bird Nest coral that has been growing fairly well since I got it over a year ago. I was even able to frag a piece off and it did well. Recently it started getting a bit of red algae growth on the tips of each piece. Well since that algae grew on it my potters angelfish &...