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  1. bla403

    Meanest Fish You've Seen

    My blennie doesnt move crabs or snails but my diamond goby does it. Sometimes they are really big and he gets very upset when them come near his home.
  2. bla403

    Meanest Fish You've Seen

    My lawnmower blenny... He chases and tries to bite the tail off of my diamond goby. Its kinda fun to see him try to chase him but the goby is faster and when he sees the blenny he opens his mouth all the way and inches towards him. The blenny has also bite my foxface on the side before when I...
  3. bla403

    Reef Tank Salt Mix

    I use ro/di... I have the puratek system with the mini pump... Gets me a bucky ever 30-40 minutes depending on temp
  4. bla403

    Reef Tank Salt Mix

    Got 2 buckets of coralife for 90 bucks shipped!! Hope I get some of the coral reactions that you spoke about as I have some corals whose cold has faded and One that is whiting out. Params and light are good but it's gone downhill with this last bucket of seachem salt
  5. bla403

    Reef Tank Salt Mix

    Got 2 buckets of coralife for 90 bucks shipped!! Hope I get some of the coral reactions that you spoke about as I have some corals whose cold has faded and One that is whiting out. Params and light are good but it's gone downhill with this last bucket of seachem salt
  6. bla403

    Reef Tank Salt Mix

    My lfs pushed me to try seachem stating that it has higher magnesium levels that really benefits the corals. Like I said above, I'm not really a fan.
  7. bla403

    Reef Tank Salt Mix

    I'm either going to go back to red sea coral pro (I did notice higher calcium readings back then) or try coralife. I found a place online thathas good prices and 6 dollar shipping on buckets... Slot of places charge 20 bucks on top of shipping!!!
  8. bla403

    Reef Tank Salt Mix

    Just noticed a new brand that I havent seen before. D-D H2Ocean Magnesium Pro PLUS Salt Mix Anyone ever use this:?
  9. bla403

    Reef Tank Salt Mix

    Thanks for the info it helped alot. Yeah im not much a fan of Seachem. I recently had a salinity issue after a recent vacation that caused my ammonia to spike but I cleared it up... Even after some time I am seeing some green in my test kit but I think its just the test kit is bad or at least...
  10. bla403

    Reef Tank Salt Mix

    I was using Red Sea Coral Pro salt for about the first 6 months of my reef and my LFS stopped carrying it so I switched to what they had (Seachem Reef Salt). Lately I have noticed some inconsitent batches and I wanted to switch to something else and just start buying online. A lot of folks here...
  11. bla403

    Frozen food question

    I normally take the frozen cubes out of the package, cut them with a sharp knife if I want to feed half a cube or something and then defrost the half cube in some tank water.
  12. bla403

    What do you use as a Refuge Substrate?

    I use the kent marine substrate in my refugium and its ok but it stirs up really easily. I used to have chaeto in the refugium until last week when I changed it out for a clump of agar. The agar seems to grow alot faster and when it gets too big I can throw a chunk in the display tank and all...
  13. bla403

    Fish Oil -----

    Thats interesting .. I could see it as more of an attractant than anything. I was worried about the mal affects it might have on the water (nitrates/phosphates) but I'll give it a shot as a topping on some food.
  14. bla403

    Green Algae & Chaeto

    I throw out about half every 2 weeks or so ... Cant really sell this stuff since it has cyano on it. Anyone else have any thoughts on using the algar in my overflow in my refugium?
  15. bla403

    Fish Oil -----

  16. bla403

    Green Algae & Chaeto

  17. bla403

    Fish Oil -----

    Anyone else have any thoughts or knowledge?
  18. bla403

    Green Algae & Chaeto

    more bumps!!
  19. bla403

    Fish Oil -----

  20. bla403

    Fish Oil -----

    I recall there being a post regarding the use of fish oil [hr] in reef tanks. Anyone recall this or have any advice on it. I seem to have a bottle of them lying around... have no idea why. Search function doesnt seem to be working when I type it in.