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  1. thejdshow

    Thanks Thomas, here is my Anemone out in front

    Originally Posted by Thejdshow Silversides every 4th day Is this proper feeding for a BTA?
  2. thejdshow

    Thanks Thomas, here is my Anemone out in front

    my clown loves it. Clowny helps me with the feeding. If a peice of food misses the anemone, clowny will pick it up and bring it to him.
  3. thejdshow

    Thanks Thomas, here is my Anemone out in front

    Silversides every 4th day
  4. thejdshow


    Ya I strickly shop at Moby [hr] . I have bought a few frags from there. I have a green star polyp that has started to spread, and I also bought a couple shrooms. The shrooms have multiplied, however they have not gotten real big in size. My only thing with moby [hr] is they seem to be...
  5. thejdshow


    Also it should be said that I have 260 watts of PC lighting. MH lighting will come when I upgrade to the 125 gal tank
  6. thejdshow

    My clwons r stupid

    Originally Posted by promisetbg The clown does not host~the anemone hosts the clown jerk! Thats one of those things I know but its hard to get out of the habbit of saying.. my clown hosts this blah blah. lol However you are most deffinatly correct. (jerk)
  7. thejdshow


    So about 8 months ago I started on this wonderous journy into the world of Salt water fish. Countless man hours and lots of $$$ later, I have came to a hault. I took the slow and steady route of adding a little bit at a time (Being a broke college student I dont care to make expensive mistakes)...
  8. thejdshow

    Thanks Thomas, here is my Anemone out in front

    Thanks for the reply on my last thread. Just thought I would share a picture of my newest addition. I dont think he is quit done movin, but he has stopped there for a couple of days. Does he appear healthy to you guys? I have had him for about 2 weeks now. Thanks!
  9. thejdshow

    My clwons r stupid

    My clown hosted my condi... however I now have a BTA and he likes that much much better. It took him like a month before he hosted the condi. I guess my clown is just a anemone whore =)
  10. thejdshow

    Anemone staying in back of tank

    lol... yep when i put him in the tank he stayed on the sand till he fully inflated, then sure enough... right to the back of the tank. Thanks for the reply
  11. thejdshow

    Anemone staying in back of tank

    I have had my BTA for about 4 days now, It looks healthy, however is kinda hiding out in the back of my tank. Is he just acclimating himself? I'm really hoping he will come up front soon. He isn't getting too much light back there. 55 gal tank 275 watts of pc lighting roughly 55 pounds of LR no...
  12. thejdshow

    Clown and Bubble Coral

    IMO if the maroon has already hosted the bubble coral he may stick to it regaurdless of what else you put in there. something would really have to tempt him.
  13. thejdshow

    white stuff on clown

    Sounds like ich... are there any more spots developing? a pic would help out a lot
  14. thejdshow

    Normal anemone?

    Originally Posted by Thomas712 Flint huh, heck I would have given you a BTA, I'm in Midland. I've only got about 20 of them. would have been way better than payin 50 bucks for it... the water top off may have been cooler than the temp of the water. I never really thought that would be a big...
  15. thejdshow

    Normal anemone?

    **UPDATE** now that my lights have gone off it has started to look much better... could my light be to strong for the anemone? I have read that they sometimes do that when they get more light than they are used to. Does it just need to acclimate itself to my lighting?
  16. thejdshow

    Normal anemone?

    I purchased a BTA 3 days ago, and it seemed to be doing good. it enflated really well, and had a heathly color to it. it moved to the back of the tank which i suspected it would do for a little while until it aclimated itself. he is fine one minuet and literaly 3 to 4 minutes later it is really...
  17. thejdshow

    2700 gallon aquarium pics

    Originally Posted by Farmboy Hey Requiem, You could get the cello music from "Jaws" and just crank it up when company comes!! That would be really cool!! That is a great idea. Except I dont think i would crank it. Just constantly have it playing as a background noise. It would also be funny if...
  18. thejdshow

    1 gallon

    i'm not saying its not possible, but I am saying that it would be a pain in the... You would have to pay very close attention to detail, say a fish died. It would polute the water extremely fast, and you would have to catch things like that almost instantly. I hope your success continues........
  19. thejdshow

    Unlikly to host???

    Ha, My damsel found that out the hard way. George was taking a nap, when the damsel tried to snatch some food floating near by. That didn't go over well with george at all!