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  1. saltn00b

    Reptile ppl!

    the market on all those color morphs dropped out of the bottom like 2 years ago. you can get some sick ones now for cheap. i liked the "piebalds"
  2. saltn00b

    Reptile ppl!

    here is my Ball python of 9 years before i had to get rid of her.
  3. saltn00b

    First time home buyers credit.

    actually its a fine line LOL
  4. saltn00b

    Advice on used RO unit

    used RO doesnt really make Sense IMO 90% of the value is in the filters, and they are used , probably longer then being claimed. you can ask what the TDS meter reads if you want... but this one thing that makes sense to buy new ...
  5. saltn00b

    Named storm in the gulf

    yes it was declared a T. storm this morning. i am in sofla, and had 35-40 mph gusts all yesterday and last night. no rain thought. hopefully it keeps downgrading and doesnt slap around PCola to hard.
  6. saltn00b

    First time home buyers credit.

    hey - i bought a house last year, closed in july 08. there are two programs as i understand it, if you bought the house in 08 you get a 7500 tax / interest free "loan" basically. if you bought it in 09 you get an 8000 gift. shortly after my 08 taxes were entered, i got a check cut to me for...
  7. saltn00b

    Best place to get Calc chloride (2-part)

    for those that use 2-part dosing, where do you get your Calcium Chloride from? this site doesnt sell that so i assume this is ok. i am looking for answers other than the "bulk" site. something along the lines of "i found pure (enough) CaCl from this ice melting company" .... thanks.
  8. saltn00b

    Lighting for Chaeto

    i keep a swirly flourescent over it, works fine.
  9. saltn00b

    reeflo dart making noise

    So the disassembly instructions say to put a screw driver in the fan end to lock the impeller shaft , so that i can remove the ceramic impeller.... this thing is on there pretty good, and i am thinking i might strip this screw... any suggestions ?
  10. saltn00b

    Green Marble??

    i just started getting these showing up in my tank over the last few months. i have seen foxfaces decimate the green type, but mine wont eat my green bubble, or red for that matter. i did however find that if you gently rock them out of position (movement , not music) they let go in tact more...
  11. saltn00b

    Coral ID please

    looks like a chalice for sure. are you looking for a designer name?? you might as well just make it up yourself, but i think alien eye is the accepted...
  12. saltn00b

    Painting Room w/ tank

    i painted a room with my two tanks in it just 2 months ago, no problems.
  13. saltn00b

    an experiment to help keep evaporation minimum in a tank with a sump

    so i am still trying to understand the why's. a) you lose three inches of water a week? that is normal to low evap.... i am guessing for a 55. b) ...your house is too hot? so in turn, your tank is too hot? then you want MORE evap to keep the tank temp lower and not dangerous to your animals.
  14. saltn00b

    an experiment to help keep evaporation minimum in a tank with a sump

    let me ask a question, here. how big is your tank, and how much water are you losing to evap a day? why do you want to curtail this? to save on adding top off water? what are you using for top off water?
  15. saltn00b

    an experiment to help keep evaporation minimum in a tank with a sump

    most people will argue glass lids prevent proper gas exchange.
  16. saltn00b

    an experiment to help keep evaporation minimum in a tank with a sump

    i have seen someone with an elaborate fish room, that had a large fan / ventilation unit that pulled all the humid air from the room outside and then he collected the water that condensed. it was several gallons per xxx time period. i dont recall the specifics, or what he actually did with the...
  17. saltn00b

    need an ID on these zoa's

    i have those. i have been calling them Georgia Peaches for a few years. you should too :P
  18. saltn00b

    72" T5 fixtures.

    Originally Posted by BTLDreef True, but who keeps SPS on the bottom of their tank? LOL i have monti caps and digi's growing off the sandbed
  19. saltn00b

    reeflo dart making noise

    well she said to go online and use the documents there to take it apart and clean it / inspect it. she said if it was a shaft seal, it would be leaking water.