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  1. nycbob


    lionfish hanging upside down is normal. what kind of lighting do u hv? proper lighting and flow is needed to keep corals. i suggest u read up more on saltwater fish keeping. otherwise u r just throwing money away.
  2. nycbob

    ATI bulb questions

    ati, giesemann and uvi r good t5 bulbs. they give out better light that corals and inverts need. the cheaper bulbs will lose its intensity faster. t5 bulbs r to be replaced every 12 months especially if u r keeping the more sensitive corals.
  3. nycbob

    Thoughts on Adding Niger Trigger to Reef Tank

    not reef safe and will get more aggressive as it grows. i know someone who had it and gave it away a few months ago bc it got very aggressive as it grew bigger. it started killing fish that it grew up with and became quite territorial.
  4. nycbob

    Upgrading from a 55 gal Fish only to 90 gal FOWLR then eventually go reef

    the puffer wouldnt be reef safe with inverts. the 2x150w mh with supplemental lighting is good enough with most corals with proper coral placement. any light is fine to keep rocks and sand looking good. the eel is a risk too with inverts. what r u planning to keep with the reef setup? wiht out a...
  5. nycbob

    pictures i took today!

    thanks for the comments. its a 72 bowfront. yes its an ati sunpower 6x54w. the bulbs are ati aquablue special, aquablue plus, and uvi aquasun. the flame doesnt pick on the corals. when i first got it, it would pick at things, but over time its gotten better and better.
  6. nycbob


    interesting. so what is ur point? u can save more money buying gallons of fresh water rather than ro unit?
  7. nycbob

    pictures i took today!

    yes. the left over 1/2 inch i was able to save back in may of last year.
  8. nycbob

    pictures i took today!

    thanks. i am trying to make it nice again. but only time will tell.
  9. nycbob

    pictures i took today!

    not sure. i came back from a one week vacation and lost half of everything.
  10. nycbob

    ATI bulb questions

    many people, including me buy their t5 bulbs from very good selection and dont hv the box fee. the site also gv u t5 bulb suggestion.
  11. nycbob

    pictures i took today!

    thanks. trying to get it back to pre-crash status. this is what it looked like one year ago.
  12. nycbob

    Flow question for a Millepora

    lots of indirect flow. cant compare the flow from a vortech with a koralia.
  13. nycbob

    large maxima clam

    what kind of t5 fixture do u have? how big is the tank?
  14. nycbob

    Some pics of my Mushrooms and zoos in my saltwater tank

    very pretty shrooms!
  15. nycbob


    flow and good skimming is very important in reducing nitrate.
  16. nycbob

    pictures i took today!

    bangaii cardinal the coral beauty i added recently. the flame is starting to accept him in the tank. flame hawkfish always begging for food. fts. got a new hob super reef lx1000s skimmer. not very happy with the noise this thing is producing so far. another fts flame angel inspecting...
  17. nycbob

    ok mp40 owners

    input RC5 at to get 5% off. i think the 10% is from ***********, i just hv to look for the code.
  18. nycbob

    Stealth Pro Heater blew up in my tank this morning

    try to run carbon and do water change in the mean time.
  19. nycbob

    a dozen red leg crabs in a 55 gal.. OK??

    the scarlet hermits tend to be more peaceful.
  20. nycbob

    Remove a six line wrasse?

    great looking softies tank. glad u caught the 6 line.