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  1. nycbob

    updated tank video

    thanks. its been awhile since i posted here. been busy and all. i am slowly getting the itch back again. thinking of getting another and bigger tank soon.
  2. nycbob

    updated tank video

  3. nycbob

    ATI Bulb Combo Question

    no, the blue plus is meant to be a supplemental bulb. ur corals wont like it. u need two aquablue special out of the 4 for the corals.
  4. nycbob

    Friend or Foe in the tank?

    sounds like pods. they r good food for fish and corals.
  5. nycbob

    corals from

    this site sells good corals and fish. i just wish the selection was bigger.
  6. nycbob

    Help! I lost power

    no backup plan for me either. when i had blackouts , i usually just stir the water evey 25 minutes and cover the tank with a blanket to prevent heat loss.
  7. nycbob

    DO NOT DO as Meowzer did :(

    sorry to hear. now u can buy new fish again in 9 weeks!
  8. nycbob

    T-5 Bulbs is a good place for t5 bulbs. their selection is awesome
  9. nycbob

    ordered some acros online difference in acclimating?

    probably too late to help you. i just light acclimate mine whether online or at lfs.
  10. nycbob

    Light's Out!

    3-5 days if not longer. wont permanently fix the problem by shutting light off. could be too much nutrients and lack of good flow.
  11. nycbob

    Suggestions for attaching taro tree to live rock

    my lfs uses fishing line. i use a piece of toothpick; one end with crazyglue while the other end i just poke through the soft coral such as toadstool. over time, the corals will grow and cover up the toothpick.
  12. nycbob

    caulerpa in DT

    having it in your tank isnt a bad thing as long as u harvest it every few weeks. i have some in some softie tank, and no other kind of algae is visibily present. caulerpa is one the best nutrient absorbing algae out there.
  13. nycbob

    GREEN HAIR ALGAE!!!!!!!!!!!!

    try the mexican turbo snails. reduce feeding as stated above. if this is a fairly new tank, its part of the cycle. try siphon it off during water change too.
  14. nycbob

    Red Slime algae in sump?

    Quote: Originally Posted by HAWKFISH203 Sorry so small ill try and make them bigger. thats what she said. anyway, its the sump where u want the undesirable algae to grow. i wouldnt worry about it unless u see it in ur main tank. it does look like cyano. u can siphon it off during water change...
  15. nycbob

    Some quick snips of my tank

    very nice looking.
  16. nycbob

    Lights - hanging or legs?

    hanging is better. i am able to adjust the fixture up and down whenever i want.
  17. nycbob

    Flame Angel Question

    u should be fine. they r really not hard to keep at all. i got mine from this site about 2 year ago. besides my clown, he is the king of the tank.
  18. nycbob

    Is My Water OK? I killed 3 fish during acclamation.

    why are u using medication when acclimating? there isnt a need for it unless disease shows up during the qt process.
  19. nycbob

    Flame Angel Question

    for a 55, u wont be able to add many fish down the road anyway. what fish do u have in mind down the road? adding a flame angel is fine as long as u have enough rocks for it to graze on.
  20. nycbob

    Is My Water OK? I killed 3 fish during acclamation.

    u should try to hv some liverock in ur qt tank. just an empty tank with water isnt good. qt tank should mirror ur display tank as much as possible. acclimating 2-4 hours is a bit much imo especially if the fish is bought locally. i acclimate my fish in 30 minutes. the fish is stress already...