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  1. along

    really want to get into corals

    30 gallons i have two hang on the back bio wheel filters which total 550 gallons an hour my parameters are good i have good water flow two power heads one on each side of the tank. ph 8.2 ammonia-0 nitrates-0 nitrites-0 i just did this test temperature- 79 degrees i do about 10 percent water...
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    really want to get into corals

    i really would like to get into some different corals but dont have the money to buy a high power light i was wondering if with the current lights i have now ( 2-17 watt 50/50 flourecent bulbs) could i do something. if so could you guys let me no what i could purchase.... thank you
  3. along

    30 gallon updated pictures thanks to all who have helped me through the beginner stage....

    2 chocolate chip star fish 2 percula clownfish 1 bi color blennie snails and hermit crabs #? i couldnt tell you guys 1 cocoa feather duster 1 talbot damsel and one little red fish i cant remember his name ( 1st. & 7th picture in the hole in the rock if you guys could ID) could i add more fish...
  4. along

    Tiffany's 400G build thread

    oo god i wish i had the money!!!:sad:
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    moving to new home.

    hahahahah ooo my god were you hiding in my closet during the move. sounds just like her... hahaha :flame:
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    moving to new home.

    thanks to both of you im in my new home and everything survived and went very smooth. i will post some pictures later and again thank you.
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    moving to new home.

    its a 30 gallon tank with a lot of rock work I'm not to sure on the actual weight though but the whole tank is completely filled i have a few pictures on my page. ( there's more rock in the tank now then in the pictures i like to buy a piece every time i go into the fish store ) no i don't have...
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    moving to new home.

    Crazy question... I'm moving into a new home and haven't decided on the best method to move my tank and fish into the new house. Is there an easy way to do this. has anyone attempted to do this before if so could you give me some pointers or tips.thank you
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    weird question?

    I have a weird maybe stupid question. I have had my tank for about 7 months and I'm very bored with the look of it. Is it safe to go in and move stuff around. I have 2 clown fish, 1 bi-color blennie ,1 coral beauty ,8 blue leg hermit crabs ,6 red hermit crabs ,5 snails,2 feather dusters, and two...
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    tank size???gallons

    thank you for your help
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    need help water in my tank is cloudy

    have you added aragonite or any other types of sand in the past few days I'm no expert but when i did this it made my tank very cloudy for about 4 or 5 days
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    tank size???gallons

    Sorry if I'm in the wrong message board but I just had a bigger tank given to me and I'm not sure on the actual size of the tank. The dimensions are off a little but close length- 3ft width-1ft 6 inch height-2ft 1 inch thank you in advance
  13. along

    live rock question

    ok no problem thank you again
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    live rock question

    thank you for your help im going to try this and see how everything turns out
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    live rock question

    yea i have 2 percula clownfish, 1 coral beauty, 1 bicolor blenny, 6 snails ,6 hermit crabs, and 3 Florida ricordea mushrooms
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    live rock question

    That's the thing i have had the rock out of the tank for about 2 weeks. And its definitely dried out by now.i guess i made a bad decision
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    live rock question

    well he is in the process of moving up state and it would have been a lot of trouble for him to take it with him he actually gave me the whole setup. tank, light ect.
  18. along

    live rock question

    One of my friends recently gave me 50 pounds of live rock which was in his tank for awhile. Is there anything i should do before i put this in my tank or can i just put it right in
  19. along

    awesome help!!!

    Just wanted to say Thank you to the awesome people that helped me threw my first salt water tank you guys are great.I have learned much from you guys thank you.