Thank you for what, I haven't said anything yet! lol
If you want corals, buy a reef master test kit...
You will have to know these parameters and perhaps make adjustments before you know if you can add corals or not. You will also need the test kits to regularly test the water just in case something does go wrong, you know you have a test for it.
IF your water parameters are as such and have tested today - then it looks like you are in good shape.
There's not really anything you can add at the moment with the lights that you have. The only thing you could really try right now are Non-photosynthetic corals like an orange sun coral or a black sun coral - but those have low survival rates for beginners.
It's best to save up for a proper lighting system first, so you can keep a wider array of corals. Also, once you upgrade your lights, you are going to get an algae bloom most likely - if your nitrate and phosphates actually are detectable. You will have to deal with the algae problem in the tank before you add corals.
more to come, just got to take a break.