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  1. estein02

    Best Substrate for Refugium?

    Originally Posted by MiaHeatLvr CPR threw in a really nice ALUMINUM light fixture, NOW they are charging alot for it,, 2 18w 6700 daylights, 36w total,, on the SMALL AQUAFUGE ps.. it came with light stand brackets as well for easy access,, I have it timed for 12hrs a day to coincide with my...
  2. estein02

    Best Substrate for Refugium? you have the small Aquafuge 2? Do you also have the CPR light made for that fuge? What about LR...were you able to fit any of that into there? Is there any benefit to mixing LS and mudd?
  3. estein02

    White Things Growing on LR

    Originally Posted by reefkprZ no, the isopod eggs you wouldnt see with out a microscope. I agree they are spiroboid worms. they come, then they eventually mostly go, I still have some on the undersides of rocks here and there but they are a phase comes and goes faster from some than others...
  4. estein02

    Best Substrate for Refugium?

    Originally Posted by sign guy then what is the benifit of mudd if your floating algea canot absorb the nutrients. I know that mudd can be striped of all nutrients in a short amount of time just with water running across the top of it without any root system to help feed detris back into it...
  5. estein02

    Best Substrate for Refugium?

    Originally Posted by MiaHeatLvr I have the MUDD on the bottom with FREE FLOATING algae on the top,, you cannot have anything planted in the mudd with frre floating algae because it will soon overtake ALL of the light coming in and no light will reach the bottom of the fuge.. Do you have...
  6. estein02

    White Things Growing on LR

    Originally Posted by estein02 hope this helps... I want to ressurect this a little because I am not certain that these are spirobid worms. I have these little white-ish looking critters scurrying all over the LR, between the PHs and the glass and on the back of the glass. I believe that they...
  7. estein02

    Best Substrate for Refugium?

    Originally Posted by sign guy keep in mind that miricle mud as great as it is, dosent give great benifit over sand to free floating macro algeas like chato but works great with caulerpa Is ogo also a free floating algea? Also, If I understand everything correctly...besides the macro algeas I...
  8. estein02

    Best Substrate for Refugium?

    Should cheato and ogo be planted in the mudd or should they just be floated in the fuge? Is it also good to float or plant anything in the DT? Thanks...
  9. estein02

    Best Substrate for Refugium?

    Originally Posted by MiaHeatLvr I cant get you a shot of the fuge due to the fact its a custom job and the fuge lies flush against a wall and the tank and i only have access to it from the top.. What brand of mudd do you use?
  10. estein02

    Best Substrate for Refugium?

    Originally Posted by MiaHeatLvr They sell the 10lb container and is sits perfectly on the bottom leaving about a 2"mudd bed, OGO is the only Algae besides CHAETO that does not go sexual.. Color: Ogo has a red color. Feeding: Will require sufficient lighting for photosynthesis. Behavior: Ogo...
  11. estein02

    Best Substrate for Refugium?

    Originally Posted by MiaHeatLvr I have the same fuge with p/s on my 30, with mudd and CHAETO and OGO ALGAE. Best investment I ever bought. I have THOUSANDs upon Thosands of pods and bristle worms, living happily in there! My tank is a 65 with a sump that I believe can hold around 15 gallons if...
  12. estein02

    Best Substrate for Refugium?

    Appreciate all the input. I wish I had room in my sump to have different chambers but I don't. I was going to modify it by adding a bubble trap that would seperated the skimmer from the refugium, but there really is not that much room. I am going with a Small Aquafuge 2 and the light that...
  13. estein02

    Best Substrate for Refugium?

    Does it matter what type of substrate is used in a refugium? Is there a best substrate to use? Currently I have AraqAlive Oolite and Special Grade Reef Sand in my DT. Is using one of those okay for the fuge?
  14. estein02

    Suggestions for New Fish

    Thanks for all of the suggestions. I've thought about a goby...a watchman goby and a pistol shrimp I thought would be cool to have. The golden headed sleep goby is nice looking too. I was looking online last night at pictures of some flasher wrasses and the filimented ones that I saw are...
  15. estein02

    QT Tank Question

    Thanks Beth...
  16. estein02

    QT Tank Question

    Does the QT need to be cleaned/disinfected and recycled after each use?
  17. estein02

    Suggestions for New Fish

    Let me try this a different way. Some of the fish that I like include the sixline wrasse, flame angel, royal gramma, flame and falco hawkfish (though I don't beleive I can add them since I have shrimp). I notice that a lot of people go with some chromis. Was originally thinking about a fuzzy...
  18. estein02

    Suggestions for New Fish

    I am having trouble deciding on the next fish to add. My tank is 65 gallons and I currently have snails, hermits, an emerald crab, sally lightfoot, a fire shrimp, a few zoo frags, a lawnmower blenny and a pair of ocellaris clowns. My original plan was to add 3 Filimented Flasher Wrasses (1...
  19. estein02

    African Blue Zoas For Sale

    Originally Posted by efishnsea They will be some pics when they open up...I submitted them to a zoanthid identification website. I couldnt find them anywhere and no one I have talked to has seen that type of blue before. I named them "Blue Halo" I let you know if they are accepted...
  20. estein02

    African Blue Zoas For Sale

    Originally Posted by efishnsea Hi Eric They are shipping today you will have them tomorrow by 10:30am. I sent you the tracking # via email. Thanks Again James Hey James Got the email...thanks. Now I'm going to be worried all day at work until I can get them home into the tank...can't wait. Thanks