Search results

  1. estein02

    African Blue Zoas For Sale

    Originally Posted by efishnsea PM sent Just checked my email and I am interested...hopefully you didn't already sell it.
  2. estein02

    Reef Clubs, Groups, Etc. in MD

    Search for the Chesapeake Marine Aquarium Society.
  3. estein02

    African Blue Zoas For Sale

    Do you have any other zoos to sell?
  4. estein02

    What Are These?

    I think I figured it out...Munnid Isopod. Is that correct?
  5. estein02

    What Are These?

    I was checking the temp of the tank and noticed these white-ish looking things between the thermometer and the glass. There are also a few between one of the PHs and the glass. There are these white spiral looking things in the same are as whatever these things are. Any ideas? Pods or something?
  6. estein02

    Pair of Ocellaris Clowns Sick!

    Originally Posted by sepulatian They do not look that bad to me. Be on the look out for any peeling. I realy think that that one spot is lymph. Keep a close eye on it. The red gills will heal if you keep your water quality high and feed the foods that I recommended. Just so I make certain I am...
  7. estein02

    Pair of Ocellaris Clowns Sick!

    I also want to add that prior to putting them in my QT I did a freshwater dip with metylene blue and the spot on the fin did not come off. Also, it has not changed size or appeared any place else on either clown which leads me to beleive that it is not ich.
  8. estein02

    Pair of Ocellaris Clowns Sick!

    OK...I've got a pair of tank rasied ocellaris clowns in my QT and neither one of them seem normal. One has a spot on it's fin and side, and this morning I noticed it's color had faded a little. The other clown hs something wrong with it's gills. Also, up until this morning they were devouring...
  9. estein02

    Refugium / Adding LS

    Originally Posted by renogaw reef or fowlr? heavy bioload? MOST of your filtration actually works on your rock and sand. that filter sock just takes out the solids and the sump just gives more water volume and filtration. I would bet (but make your own call) that you'd be fine. FOWLR with a...
  10. estein02

    Refugium / Adding LS

    Originally Posted by renogaw silicone and acrilic = no good. you gotta use an acrylic weld glue, made by IPS i believe. there's info in the DIY section. you could always make a sump out of a rubbermaid container until ready. What was I thinking...I'm in a business where I should no that...
  11. estein02

    Refugium / Adding LS

    Originally Posted by renogaw is this the sump you have? Yep, that's it. I don't have enough room to put a bubble trap on the left side. The dimension from the bulkhead to the front of the sump is only like 6" and the skimmer is 7 1/2" wide. I might have to install it parallel with the back...
  12. estein02

    Refugium / Adding LS

    Originally Posted by renogaw what type of skimmer do you have? are you handy enough to cut acrylic and put in a few bubble traps into it? I've got an AquaC Urchin Pro run by a Mag Drive 3. I am fairly handy...if I knew exactly what I needed to do I coud do it.
  13. estein02

    Refugium / Adding LS

    Originally Posted by renogaw nope, you want the skimmer on the intake portion of the sump. otherwise i guess you can pull pods and algae into the skimmer. as for the mud, i'd avoid it. After a year you may have to replace it. plus it is REALLY nasty stuff to deal with (i had it in my small...
  14. estein02

    Refugium / Adding LS

    Originally Posted by renogaw if you get the bagged sand you may have some ammonia. when i added sand to my fuge i kept the sand i got in a ten gallon tank and watched for a spike. That is a good idea...then I don't need to worry about it in my DT. Do you know anything about Fiji Mud? I've...
  15. estein02

    Refugium / Adding LS

    Originally Posted by sepulatian Hi there Adding a little LS will not spike, but what kind of sand are you getting? Currently in my tank I have 20 lbs of CaribSea Arag-Alive Special Grade Reef Sand and 40 lbs of CaribSea Arag-Alive Oolite. I was thinking about adding more of one of those to...
  16. estein02

    Refugium / Adding LS

    I'm contimplating turning a compartment of my sump into a fuge and at the same time add a little more LS to the DT. The tank is 65 gallons and about 3 1/2 months old. Will doing so create another cycle or anything else to worry about? Thanks...
  17. estein02

    My 29gl. mixed reef(first pic post)

    Did you buy your zoos locally or order them online? They are awesome.
  18. estein02

    What's Up With My Zoos? zoos opened back up! Now I want to add some more and make my tank look like myzislow's...yeah right! Thanks again for all of the help.
  19. estein02

    What's Up With My Zoos?

    This is not my picture (I couldn't get a good one), but it is definitely a zoo eating nudi. The only difference is the one that I found was all brown. Now I have to get those eggs off. I'm worried that when I try to scrape them off they'll float away too quickly to be sucked up. What would...
  20. estein02

    What's Up With My Zoos?

    I imagine that I should dip all of the zoo frags instead of the one that is currently affected. The othe 3 are on LR that I can easily remove from the tank, but this one is not. It is attached to a large piece of tonga with epoxy. Does anyone know if the frag can be easily removed even though...