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  1. estein02

    HELP - What Should I Do?

    Thank you azfishgal. I will have to try the AmQuel+. I do believe that my QT cycled, so I think I can attribute what is going on more to feeding too frequently trying to see if the LMB will eat then the tank not cycling completely. I hope this helps.
  2. estein02

    HELP - What Should I Do?

    Alright, I feel like an a$$ for having to post this but I need help. I originally started the following thread looking for help for my firs t fish in QT: Prior to purchasing the LMB I tested the water and everything tested...
  3. estein02

    First Fish in QT-What to expect?

    Well, a little over a week and he is still alive. I've tried every type of food rcommended and not sure how much success i've had with him eating. He still looks good and to me doesn't look skinny, but I haven't really seen him eat. Not sure what else I can do other then to keep feeding him...
  4. estein02

    First Fish in QT-What to expect?

    Might be able to get some from my DT. I have another question, but I'm sure I already know the answer. Because I have no fish in my DT yet, would it be that bad to transfer the LMB to it sooner then 3 weeks? Everything in there now...inverts and thriving. Plus from what I've read...
  5. estein02

    First Fish in QT-What to expect?

    Originally Posted by renogaw breathing heavy is sometimes a PH problem, have you checked that? I checked that prior to adding the LMB and it was in the 8.2 - 8.4 range, same as the DT. When I went back to check on the LMB later he was hanging out in the corner again and the breathing seemed...
  6. estein02

    First Fish in QT-What to expect?

    Originally Posted by LSU My LMB destroys thawed out mysid. I'll have to try that...I've heard that they will eat brine too. Thanks Originally Posted by huskychasrs Our LMB loves to pick at the LR and devours algae flake. Good luck with him/her they are comical to sit and watch! I found the...
  7. estein02

    First Fish in QT-What to expect?

    Originally Posted by sepulatian Was the qt cycled? Don't allow food to rot in the tank. Offer foods that your fish will eat. Formula foods are best. Yes, the QT was cycled. So far I've offered algea sheets and pellet food (Formula Two). The only other food I've got is the Formula One Flake...
  8. estein02

    Zoos and Lighting

    Originally Posted by Ibew looks like your turning the tank enough. might want to get rid of the MJ400 replace it with a 1200 to get more GPH your over 20 times turnover rate which is good. Have you tried different placement of the PHs are they to high in the tank maybe. Or not covering enough...
  9. estein02

    First Fish in QT-What to expect?

    Originally Posted by earlybird Good idea to have some make up water ready to go for small water changes after you feed. I feed every other day in qt and change 1/2g every day just to be safe. Always have make up water ready...just in case! How many times do you offer food on the days that you...
  10. estein02

    Zoos and Lighting

    When I was originally at 5 hours it was 5 hours of total light...5 with the blues and just 3 with daylights. Now it is 8 total hours...8 with the blues and 6 with the daylights. Should I try cutting back the daylights to 4 hours while still keeping the blues on for 8?
  11. estein02

    First Fish in QT-What to expect?

    Originally Posted by renogaw garlic helps them smell the food better, plus has medicinal value supposedly. as for the clip, remember there aren't clips in the may be afraid of it. try feeding it pellets and flake to get it to start eating as well. it may not know what the heck...
  12. estein02

    First Fish in QT-What to expect?

    Originally Posted by renogaw by sheet, how are you adding it? if you cut it into strips and fasten it to a pvc fitting, it may sway in the current looking like true algae. also, try cutting a piece of garlic and rubbing it onto the sheet before putting in the water. I've cut it and put it in...
  13. estein02

    Zoos and Lighting

    Originally Posted by puffer32 The sand under the rocks is clean because its getting no light. 8 hrs of light from 5 hrs is a big jump, go down to 6 hrs with the whites, you can keep just the acentics on for 8 hrs. I have the same lights on my 55, and thats my lighting schedule, zoos are...
  14. estein02

    First Fish in QT-What to expect?

    Originally Posted by renogaw be patient, and remove excess food after a while. you don't want it rotting in there and causing ammonia, it will be hard enough to keep in check without much, if any, biological filtration. after a couple days, try adding something else. some people say pellets...
  15. estein02

    First Fish in QT-What to expect?

    I've got my first fish in QT...a lawnmower blenny. I wanted a midas, but none of the LFS had them...well one does but they are large and I didn't want one that big so I went with the LMB. What types of things should I look for? I put an algea sheet in there, but it didn't touch it. Should I...
  16. estein02

    QT Cycled...Need Help Finalizing Fish List

    Originally Posted by sepulatian If you quarantine your fish then there is no need for a cleaner. Cleaner shrimp will eat SOME parasites, but they will NOT keep an ich infestation even close to controlled. Detrivores do a better job at cleaning the sand than a pistol will do. You need detrivores...
  17. estein02

    Zoos and Lighting

    Originally Posted by ScubaNoah how long has you tank been set up? what kind of lighting are you using? what do you currently have for a clean up crew? how much flow do you have? The tank has been set up for almost 3 months. For lighting I am using the Current Nova Extreme (two 460nm Actinic...
  18. estein02

    Zoos and Lighting

    I've had my zoos for about 2 weeks now and they are doing really well. When I got them I increased my lighting from 5 total hours to 8 (not counting the lunars). Now my sand looks like crap...covered with green hair algea an cyanobacteria. The only places where my sand is white is under LR...
  19. estein02

    QT Cycled...Need Help Finalizing Fish List

    Originally Posted by sepulatian Shrimp are not a necessity at all. If you want some for looks then that is good. From what I've read it seems like they are for more then just looking cool. Cleaners aid in keeping parasites of fish...pistols help to keep the sand clean. Am I wrong? I really...
  20. estein02

    QT Cycled...Need Help Finalizing Fish List

    Originally Posted by estein02 Alright...I've changed things a little bit and decided that I want some shrimp, so I am nixing the hawkfish. Not sure exactly what type of shrimp yet, but from what I've read they seem to be very beneficial to the tank so it seems wise to add a few. I also am...