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  1. estein02

    White Things Growing on LR

    The bright green stuff that is in the picture is really only growing on my tonga branch. I do have some darker nuisance algea that the snails are eating, but I don't see them being able to eat this stuff. It seems harder, more like a coraline algea then anything else. Totally different then...
  2. estein02

    What's Up With My Zoos?

    mizislow...those are some great looking zoos...I'm jealous! Do you have a full tank shot too?
  3. estein02

    White Things Growing on LR

    Originally Posted by Robdog696 I see lots of green on your rock as well... how long is your lighting cycle? Do you have your lights on a timer? I've got the actinics on for 8 hours and the daylights on for 5, and they are on a timer. Is the green bad? It doesn't look like the green type of...
  4. estein02

    What's Up With My Zoos?

    Is there anyway to get rid of the nudis?
  5. estein02

    White Things Growing on LR

    Thank you much're a long way from Pittsburgh aren't you...GO RAVENS!
  6. estein02

    What's Up With My Zoos?

    Thanks so much for all of the help. I looked more closely to see if I could see anything and the only thing that really stuck out was this round thing on the side of one of them. Not sure what this is. I didn't notice any sundial snails or spiders and I'm not really sure I see alot of the...
  7. estein02

    What's Up With My Zoos?

    They look like they have thinned out to me, unless it just appears that way because they are closed. Nothing changed...the PHs are in the same position they have always been in. Guess I'll wait it out. So when they die they disentegrate? Thanks...
  8. estein02

    What's Up With My Zoos?

    I've had 4 zoo frags in my DT for about a month and a half now all doing very well up until the last week when one of them stopped opening, this one is on LR a little lower in the tank...maybe the 2/3 from the top. I did the iodine dip before I attaced the frags to the LR so I'm not sure what...
  9. estein02

    White Things Growing on LR

    Originally Posted by Scotts Check out post number 6 on this thread. Originally Posted by MonaLisa if they are spiral, they are probably spirobid worms, very common in new tanks...harmless. That looks like what they are...thanks. The...
  10. estein02

    White Things Growing on LR

    Originally Posted by grubsnaek if there in a spiral may be small feather dusters They are in a spiral...could they be anything else? If they are feather dusters wouldn't I see the duster? This is not a bad thing...right
  11. estein02

    White Things Growing on LR

    Originally Posted by Dawman A pic would help . hope this helps...
  12. estein02

    White Things Growing on LR

    I've noticed these white barnacle looking things growing on some of my LR and on some of my snail shells. Any ideas what it could be?
  13. estein02

    Ocellaris - Possibly Diseased - Help

  14. estein02

    Ocellaris in QT - Have Questions?

  15. estein02

    First Fish in DT - Have Questions

    Originally Posted by renogaw ghost feed it. glad to hear bout the lmb eating though :) Still continuing to do well. Here are a couple of pictures.
  16. estein02

    First Fish in DT - Have Questions

    Well, I think I saw some good signs tonight. Watched him for a good 20 - 30 minutes and he was all over the place. Also, I saw him picking at the LR, which I believe means he was finally eating. Still a little timid, but there were occasions where he would perch himself on a rock close to the...
  17. estein02

    First Fish in DT - Have Questions

    Originally Posted by renogaw what are you using as filtration in the QT? 10 days is about the minimum i'll keep a fish in the QT. If it isn't sick or showing signs by that time then i'll think about putting in earlier than the three weeks. I've actually got 2 filters on the QT, both ones...
  18. estein02

    First Fish in DT - Have Questions

    Originally Posted by renogaw ehh, not much you can do right now. hopefully the fish didn't have any ich, and i believe it's been a few weeks now so you'd have seen it by now. any other diseases though will have to be treated in the QT, don't put many meds in the DT. I took the chance because...
  19. estein02

    First Fish in DT - Have Questions

    I decided to move my Lawnmower Blenny from my QT to my DT considering the issues I was having with the QT (apparently it wasn't fully cycled ). It is sooner then most would do, but I believe that it is in the best interest of the LMB. I am hoping that everything will be okay and that I don't...