Originally Posted by renogaw
nope, you want the skimmer on the intake portion of the sump. otherwise i guess you can pull pods and algae into the skimmer.
as for the mud, i'd avoid it. After a year you may have to replace it. plus it is REALLY nasty stuff to deal with (i had it in my small fuge) and it will cause an ammonia spike. (it even tells you on the package to cycle it).
deep sand bed, rubble rock, and algae. you could put in some snails, crabs, bristle worms, etc.
Then I'm not sure what to do. The sump I have is a Berlin BS-1...it has a large compartment where the water comes into (which is where the fuge can go and where I have my skimmer), then there is a narrow compartement where the sponge is then another narrow compartment where the return pump goes. Might have to look into a HOB fuge. Any ideas?