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  1. estein02

    Attaching Ricordea

    Originally Posted by Jerthunter Try getting a small piece of netting to cover it and use rubberbands to hold the netting to the rock. That way the rubber band doesn't bother the flesh of the mushroom. After a few days it should attach itself and you can remove the net. What about cheese...
  2. estein02

    Attaching Ricordea

    I've got a small ricordea, less then 1" diameter that I am trying to attach to a piece of LR. I'm using a rubberband but it was difficult, plus it has 2 mouths which I didn't want to cover. Also, didn't want to get the rubber band too tight. Is there a better way to get them to attach to the LR?
  3. estein02

    Nitrates at 20ppm

    Originally Posted by ophiura I would be wary of overreacting to a bit of algae here or there. Healthy reefs in the wild do have algae growing on them :) I'm not worried about the algae...I am concerned that my nitrates went up slightly. I know that 20 isn't high, but I want to start adding...
  4. estein02

    65 Gallon FOWLR to Reef Tank - Here I GO!

    Originally Posted by earlybird Calcium should be fine but white suggests dying coraline. I don't want coraline on my back glass but am surprised that it's not growing there anyway. Have you noticed a change in alk or calcium lately? Could be the cause of it bleaching. Haven't noticed a...
  5. estein02

    65 Gallon FOWLR to Reef Tank - Here I GO!

    Originally Posted by Nemo_66 did you buy that tank used, or did the coraline die in the back of the glass? It is a new set-up...not really sure what is going on back there. There is some purple on the glass too and some of the white does turn purple then back to white. I don't believe that...
  6. estein02

    Nitrates at 20ppm

    Originally Posted by renogaw hey, are you testing for phosphates as well? My phospates are 0.
  7. estein02

    Nitrates at 20ppm

    Originally Posted by renogaw the chaeto will suck some nitrates out, you're already getting growth right? :) how new/old is the tank? (i can't remember). i've never really done water changes to get rid of nitrates, but people say 10% daily water changes do the trick. i'd bet though that with...
  8. estein02

    Nitrates at 20ppm

    Originally Posted by renogaw there's always ammonia present in our systems but you may not be able to test it--the live rock will break it down. maybe there was a tiny amount of die off from moving the rock, and the system was able to deal with it fast enough so that you didn't see any ammonia...
  9. estein02

    Nitrates at 20ppm

    The LR was from a well established tank. It had been in there 2 - 3 years...has a lot of encrusted purple coraline, so I don't believe that is the issue. Wouldn't the ammonia go up rather then the nitrates if the LR was the issue? My ammonia is 0ppm. I'm going to do a water change tonight...
  10. estein02

    Sixline, Royal Gramma or Coral Beauty?

    Originally Posted by sepulatian You are always more than welcome How long ago did you get him? Is he in the DT or the QT? I had him in the QT for about 3 weeks and he was eating, not a lot, but he was eating and he did eat at the LFS. He has been in the DT since Friday night. I was...
  11. estein02

    Nitrates at 20ppm

    Originally Posted by NEreef yes overfeeding will cause high nitrates. it sounds like you are on the right track. keep running the skimmer and fuge, and keep doing weekly waterchanges. what is your current stock list? Fish:Pair of Ocellaris Clowns Lawnmower Blenny Yellow Watchman Goby 6 Zoo...
  12. estein02

    Sixline, Royal Gramma or Coral Beauty?

    Thank you sepulation. Another you know if yellow watchman gobies are typically shy fish? Mine is constantly hiding...I don't know if it is eating either. Do you think adding a pistol shrimp would help?
  13. estein02

    Nitrates at 20ppm

    When I was looking at my tank this evening I noticed a little bit of green bubble algae so I tested the nitrates and they were 20ppm. Typically my nitrates are in the 10-15ppm range. I've recently added 30lbs of LR, a little LS and reaquascaped my tank to convert it to a reef tank. I was...
  14. estein02

    Sixline, Royal Gramma or Coral Beauty?

    Unless the LFS has a Filamented or Carpenter's Flasher Wrasse the 6line will be the next fish I get. nycbob...what would you recommend besides the gramma, or do you think you just got a shy one? Would a mandarin get along with a lawnmower blenny and watchman goby?
  15. estein02

    65 Gallon FOWLR to Reef Tank - Here I GO!

    Here are a few more pics. BTA African Blue Zoos form efishnsea Ocellaris Pair Lawnmower Blenny I plan on getting some corals over the I will post more pictures.
  16. estein02

    Who has the best Aquascape?

    Recently rearranged and added some LR. I like it a lot and think it will look awesome after I get more's a start though.
  17. estein02

    DeltaBlack22's 20L Frag Tank Diary!!!

    Nice I know what I can do with my 20 long when I'm done using it as a QT!
  18. estein02

    Sixline, Royal Gramma or Coral Beauty?

    Originally Posted by sepulatian Flames are much more aggressive and nip more. If you are not planning to add a mandarine into the tank later than a sixline is a great choice as well. They will not effect each other. You can add those two in any order that you would like. Add the gramma last...
  19. estein02

    New To Coral Keeping-need Some Help

    Originally Posted by earlybird Example, this is my photo period but I'm adding 15 minutes each week to get my photoperiod up to 10 hours total. Actinics on at 1:00pm, daylights on at 2:00pm, daylights off at 8:00pm, actinics off at 9:00pm, moon lights on whenever you want. Total photoperiod of...
  20. estein02

    Sixline, Royal Gramma or Coral Beauty?

    Which should I add next? I've read that all can become aggressive towards new fish. Currently I have a pair of ocellaris, a lawnmower blenny and a watchman goby in a 65. Those 3 are the last 3 that I want to add to the tank, just want to do it in the best order. I'm thinking sixline then...