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  1. robsw

    75 Gal. Reef Sunday Pics

    I think that big shroom pile in the middle is awesome. it adds great color to the tank. Love the tank as a whole. Have a Nice Day Rob
  2. robsw

    I need help

    i have heard that adding too much amquel is worse for the tank than the ammonia. not sure if u add the stuff every day or just now cuz u saw the ammonia readings. all i am saying is dont add too much of the stuff. i agree about doing a water change asap. after that your reading might level...
  3. robsw

    5th grader needs HELP

    ok.....well the lights are set on timers and even when the power goes out the classrooms in the whole school are set up on backup generators so that wont be a problem. as for feeding, you dont have to feed the fish every day, MWF feeding sched. would prob. be enough food. The water changes...
  4. robsw

    5th grader needs HELP

    After setting up my 20 nano, my little brother, who is in 5th grade wanted to set one up at school for his class. His teacher said it was ok so he started up a fundraiser and he got enough money from that to set up a 29 Gal. with Current 130 watt PCs. and Emp. 300 HOB filter and BakPak...
  5. robsw

    wrasse for flat worms

    will a sixline eat flatworms is what i think he was asking. i am not really sure but if they do i need to get one. also has anyone one used flatworm exit. I think thats what its called. does it affect anything else in the tank like pods. Any info would be appreciated. Have a nice Day Rob
  6. robsw

    F in Flatworms

    thanks alot for the responses. i will give them a dip, as long as it doesnt hurt the zoos. i will try it tonight because thats the only time i see them. have a great day
  7. robsw

    F in Flatworms

    I just got a frag of steel blue centered zoos from my LFS. Tonight i noticed 3 little flatworms crawling outa the cracks in the rock. I have heard these are not good little critters and would like to kill them b4 thy multiply. Are there any fish that eat these, or can i just use flatworm...
  8. robsw

    New Lights

  9. robsw

    New Lights

    I just got the lights for my 20 long. 30x12x12. They are the Dual Satelites 130 Watt PCs. I was wondering if i could keep a monti cap under this lighting becasue the tank was so shallow. It would be about 6" from the lights. Also do you think it would grow if the water conditions and lights...
  10. robsw

    OK, Lets hear the crazy combinations...

    I set up what was supposedly a reef tank for my girlfriend, and because she really wanted it i told her that a HumuHumu Picasso Trigger was reef safe. Lukily when she spent like 500 dollars on her corals he did not touch a single one. Whats wierd is that it is still alive and i have yet to see...
  11. robsw

    Do we really know what we are doing?

    im not exactly sure if we really know what we are doing, but i know that most people in this hobby including myself really care about our tanks, even if iit is becuase we spend so much money on them. on the other hand there are people like my boss who takes what they learn and see happen in...
  12. robsw


    sorry but i gotta BUMP
  13. robsw

    slick on top of water

    i too have a HOB filter on my 20 with the same film. i will try cutting it a little higher and let you kno how it works. thanks for posting this question.
  14. robsw

    slick on top of water

    i have the same problem on my nano. how big is your tank and how long has it been set up. also is this slick made up of little white particles. i hope someone answers this post cuz it bothers the junk outa me.
  15. robsw


    i just bought the current 130 watt system for my 20 long which is 30x12x12. I was wondering if a monti cap frag could actually grow under this lighting if water quality was maintained. Also, would this lighting be too strong for rics, and other shrooms. also i was thinkin about having green...
  16. robsw

    Okay, here it goes..........

    thank you for pointing this out. i too think about this alot when someone says that a 75 is barely big enough for a tang, but then the same people have 5 tangs in thier 150. Just wondering what the difference was. maybe someone can explain that to me. nothin we have is equivalent to the ocean.
  17. robsw

    Critters on my Glass

    yeah i can see my pair of flase percs actually pic them off the glass
  18. robsw

    Critters on my Glass

    I have a 20 long that i just gone finished cycling about 1 week ago. Today i went to clean the outside of the glass and noticed some litle bugs zippin all over my glass. At first i saw 1 then 2 then 3 the count is now well over a thousand. they are everywhere. At first i thought pods, but...
  19. robsw

    ‘Crocodile Hunter’ Steve Irwin dies

    Im not sure if this is the whole story just because the story is so wild, how do you get stung through the heart? my bet is he jumped off the boat into a big school of em. and tried to wrasle the thing. but thats just my guess. i can honestly say that he was a cool guy but i only watched it...
  20. robsw

    Bubble Rics

    A LFS store around the corner from me just got in some bubble rics. and it was the first time id ever seen them. They were Brown and Green, and they were selling them for 25 dollars a shroom. is this expensive or should i grab some. and does anyone have pics