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  1. sdascher

    ID Please

    Thanks Everyone!! I knew that I could count on you, as always ..... :joy:
  2. sdascher

    ID Please

    They are reproducing rapidly ...... are they safe for reefs??
  3. sdascher

    ID Please

    Anyone know what these are?? I have been told that they are safe for reef tanks .... but they are multipling and I am not sure .... I tried to get a close up of the little white branches between their antennae's!!
  4. sdascher

    Advanced Reefers .. Help!! Infestation of Tiny Nuiti's con't ..

    Hi Everyone! This is what I did so far .... the nano tank and a 55g reef .... I removed any of the polyp rocks that has this "stuff" growing in the flesh and dipped them for 10 minutes per instructions with Seachem's Reef Dip ... Coral disinfectant. Surely can't hurt them. Today I have a bigger...
  5. sdascher

    Infestation of tiny nutibranches ....

    OK - Thanks Bunches!!!!! I think that is how I will go as I HATE rearranging the tanks since they have been so happy where they are!! Thanks for your help :happyfish
  6. sdascher

    Infestation of tiny nutibranches ....

    Thanks for your post. I have already dipped the rocks that I know I'm having problems with - mostly polyps .. with the iodine dip. These tiny brownish buggers are on mostly polyps as I said but also on a finger leather, the trumpet and some stick polyps. Mostly softies which is most of that...
  7. sdascher

    Advanced Reefers .. Help!! Infestation of Tiny Nuiti's con't ..

    Thanks Beth - Did you see the PIC?? I added a pic of these egg area's to the first post. Or at least I think that they are eggs ...... the pic works on ther other thread ..
  8. sdascher

    Infestation of tiny nutibranches ....

    Maybe it's the start of a major infestation ..... Pic
  9. sdascher

    Advanced Reefers .. Help!! Infestation of Tiny Nuiti's con't ..

    Hey again .... Geez... I really have never seen this but in the hours that have just passed by since I posted the thread on infestation of tiny nudibranches .... I decided to pull the colonies of rocks out that I figured looked infested one at a time a shake them in fresh water for a few seconds...
  10. sdascher

    Infestation of tiny nutibranches ....

    In all of the years that I have been reef keeping - I have been so lucky and have never had nutibranches, or if I did, some one ate it before I could see it!! I know how I got these little tiny brown with black, coral eating buggers.... About 3-4 months ago, I purchased 5 pounds of frag rock...
  11. sdascher

    need Help w MH Power failures

    Odyssea, version 4 - 2X175W MH & 2X96W Compact fluorescents - Someone had also suggested that Itry to find a power strip that when the power is interupted, you have to manually reset it. It doesn't come back on .... that would work also if I knew what to look for!!! Thanks for the response!!
  12. sdascher

    need Help w MH Power failures

    I have always had the power compacts until about 8 months ago - I went with a new MH fixture with two 175w double ended bulbs & I love it, my corals love it ...... but I have them on power strips (cheap) but with surge protection but I am blowing bulbs everytime we loose power for a few seconds...
  13. sdascher

    Let me hear your stories about your first ever cycle!

    Cycled my first tank ...... 1999???? I think .... a 45g, a year later 125g, a year later, another 125g, last year a 75g, 11 days ago, a 55g!!!!! The first tank was a 45 tall - I didn't know nothing!! A friend helped me, but I didn't realize that she didn't know much more tham me until months...
  14. sdascher

    what's the 1st thing you wish you had known

    Slow Down & Take it Easy!!! To do more research/ shop around for better prices instead of just listening to one person!!! It cost me mega bucks!!!
  15. sdascher

    I nne Advice Please!!

    OK - I guess this isn't something that others has done, so ...... I will post here every week to let everyone know, what happened!! Or as soon as something happens.
  16. sdascher

    I nne Advice Please!!

    Greetings all - I am not a newbe, but I feel like it!! I have been reef keeping for many years. Recently, I happen to have 2 empty 55g tanks ... well we all know that it's just not right to have a empty tank!!! My son is a hobbist also, he has my hand me down 45g & a 125. Here the issue ... I...
  17. sdascher

    I Need Help!

    Yes, they are the ones on the roght. They are a light brown with white (daisy) looking ends??? I don't think that they have completly opened as I'm not sure how to place them as of yet. I have med. flow/med light so I will go look up what wax32 has suggested to see if I can find them. Thanks
  18. sdascher

    I Need Help!

    I think maybe someone took their LR to the LFS and maybe there was a big one and these are sprouts/babies from the big one???? They sure are pretty.
  19. sdascher

    I Need Help!

    OK - I finally was able to find the pic once I sent it to my website!! Again - here it is...
  20. sdascher

    I Need Help!