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  1. sdascher

    I Need Help!

  2. sdascher

    I Need Help!

    Give me a few minutes .... I am going to TRY to post a pic. It's been awhile since I've done this, so .... I'll be back.
  3. sdascher

    I Need Help!

    Does anyone out there in Reef Land have a Barrons "Corals" Book??? Its a paperback book. Very back page 96 there is a huge picture of a soft coral with no ID info. - I have that coral and I'd love to find out what it is so that I can make sure that it's "happy"!!! I recently purchased LR and...
  4. sdascher


    Beth, Yes the tang is in a 10g QT and I use a glass hydrometer. I had gotten the info. from you months back. I think that the one reply was correct in saying that there sounds like the Tang had a lot of different problems. She is better, her color is good but she still has a few light patches on...
  5. sdascher

    Lighting - Loud Popping Noise!!

    Yes! Thats it eric4usa! Mine is mounted to the wood with wood screws, but when I mounted them I didn't put any washers on either side and they are tight against the wood. The wood doesn't really get too hot, but I can see where it does not allow the metal room to expand/contract! You got it for...
  6. sdascher


    update on purple tang.....hypo tank started and finally got it down to 1.09 on the 12th - he looked terrible. I also re started the Marclyn2. He is hanging in there, but he doesn't look too good. He is now swimming sideways on the bottom of the tank lots of times...... the ick looks clearer - I...
  7. sdascher

    Lighting - Loud Popping Noise!!

    Thanks for the suggestion. I will have to do something as when you walk into my tank room after the lights go out - it sounds like someone is shooting at you!! I am going to remove the canopy this week-end and try to fix the problem. ( it scares the hell out of my hubby..... he jumps! I sort of...
  8. sdascher

    Lighting - Loud Popping Noise!!

    I thought that may get your attention! I did the wiring myself as that is what I do for a living so I know that the lighting fixtures are safe. I tested them one by one when I mounted them and I used all teflon wire. This is my problem though - after I turn the lights off - 4- 50/50 smart lights...
  9. sdascher


    This morning tang is still OK (except for his illness) I will do a heavy water change - The tangs home is in a 125g in my basement. Its a stand alone all fish tank. Upstairs I have another 125g with a 55g refugium and a sump. Healthy tank - so maybe I could use water from this tank???? I haven't...
  10. sdascher


    Update - I just ordered a copper test kit - I will have it Wed, morning. My tang looks fine, he is swimming OK and his color is good...just those white spots/dots and patches, sort of a film, one on his eye! Maybe this is not ick???
  11. sdascher


    Several months ago my fish had ick! I did the hypo salinity and lost most of them - most likely my fault as I didn't catch it in time. Anyhow the tank was emptied of fish - sat for 2 months running with just inverts. I got a purple tang a few weeks ago - in a quarantine tank and after the first...
  12. sdascher

    Who hates coraline?

    Wow... thats a lot of build up of coraline. I have had my tank set up for 2 years and I have had this start on powerheads and mostly on parts like intakes that doesn't get removed every month for cleanings. I used a single sided razor blade ( in a handle) to scrape off the stuff!! I have had it...
  13. sdascher

    Sand Sifting Crabs

    Does anyone have these sand sifting crabs from SWF??? ( some people call them sand fleas ) I know that they are filter feeders..... but can they be put with a Coral Banded Shrimp & a peppermint??? I also purchased 2 sand sifting stars and the sandsifting snails. I had a friend tell me that the...
  14. sdascher

    Lots of Tiny Bubbles....

    After I cement this pvc line in place, maybe this will get rid of the bubbles.... because I don't know where the leak could be. Thanks
  15. sdascher

    Lots of Tiny Bubbles....

    I'm back again....... Learning from my mistakes, I hooked up my homemade spray bar ( with a hose down to the pump in the sump ) - Mistake!!! Anyhow, I am replacing most of that "hose" this morning with a fitted pvc pipe going most of the way to the pump!!!!! Hoses are not to good for U turns are...
  16. sdascher

    90 gallon stocking list

    I would take off the angel as you will have some problems with her in a reef. You may want to limit the chomis to 2-3 max. I have a 125g reef and this is what I have: 1 blue hippo tang, 1 yellow tang, 1 pr. percula clowns, 3 blue-green chromis, 1 bangai, 1 pajami cardinal and a mandarin. Every...
  17. sdascher

    Why do snails crawl out of the water?

    Thanks for all of the comments. I have always wondered over the years why they sometimes crawl out and I just never asked anyone...... some of the tanks that I have the snails will go up to the top during the day and back down overnight. The temps are the same day or night. It must be a "nature"...
  18. sdascher

    Pump Help!!Going Crazy!!

    Thanks jagermeister!! I was just reading about the pros & cons of the bio balls here in the chatroom so I was thinking that maybe I shouldn't use them!! After all, there is LR in the main tank and a small amount in the refugium. I certainly can just drop a few pcs. in the sump!! Thanks for all...
  19. sdascher

    Question about Kalk/Aiptasia

    Thanks for the info!!!
  20. sdascher

    Question about Kalk/Aiptasia

    Yes, I would agree that you inject them one at a time, but how long does it take them to die?? One day?? Or possibly a couple of days. I would think that if the Kaulk burns them, it would only be a matter of a few hours........