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  1. shel

    Dragon Wrasse

    I have a dragon wrass, I have not bought a cleaner shrimp because of him. Shel
  2. shel

    Personality Suggestions?

    I agree with damsil, I love my flame hawk. He always has to where you at. Watching you. I was working underneath the tank, I looked up and their was the flame hawk sitting right above me just watching. He always has to be the center of attention to. Anyone that comes over always ask about...
  3. shel

    hundreds of feather dusters

    I also have tons of feather dusters. Mine are in the overflow. Also their is these clear jelly blobs growing in their with the feather dusters. The blob things hold a little bit of sand. The top looks like a sea squirt. I don't know what these things are, but they do not seem to be hurting...
  4. shel

    Future banning of coral reef animals.

    I agree with Trey. I would be more then happy to pay $50.00 for the Certification test. It would regulate the stores, so we would not have the bad lfs. Shel
  5. shel

    Has anyone ever heard of this?

    It probally is too good to be true. I would not try it. I beleive in the good old way of doing water changes. Shel
  6. shel

    Bat fish and tank size?????

    You might have luck with you on this one. I have always heard they will not eat. I hope it works for you. I agree that they are such a geogeous fish. I wanted one from the lfs, but it never would eat and it starved to death. The lfs had 2 and they both died. :D Good luck to you and the...
  7. shel

    Bat fish and tank size?????

    How lonng have you had the bat fish, is it eating? I have read that you need at least 125g for a single bat fish, but the worst part is getting them to eat. In one article there was a man that made a feeding tube and forced the fish to eat that way. He did this twice a day for while. It...
  8. shel

    Empty shells for Hermits

    LOL My biggest crab is as ugly as can be, but he thinks he is the S**T. My mother in law broght back some shells from Tahiti. Very pretty. Well here comes the big guy. Within 15 min, he moved into the prettiest one there. He went to the LR as high as he could and just sat there. He looked...
  9. shel

    Empty shells for Hermits

    you can also try your LFS, just ask. I have an assortment of diffrent sizes for them. They love to try on new shells. LOL Shel
  10. shel

    Is this true????

    Hey Lisa, I had a big maroon clown and wanted another for her. I asumed that it is a she. So I bought a little maroon gold stripe. I asumed it was a male. He is tiny. Well it has been wonderful. She digs him, he looks at her "Wow, what a women." LOL The Damsil was picking on him at...
  11. shel

    Quick Pic of my new Strawberry Hermit Crab!

    Very cool crab, I would love one of those. shel
  12. shel

    how fast do you add your make up water?

    I have a little red line that I drew on my sump, that is where I fill to. Shel :p
  13. shel

    UV Sterlizers

    Hey Guys, I have looking into a UV Sterlizer and have some questions. Don't laugh they are dumb. How do I know what size to get? I have 125g with fish and at least 100lb of ls and 150lb pounds of lr. There are some feater dusters and anemone, one mushroom, 4 polops (SP), MH. I want to start...
  14. shel

    how fast do you add your make up water?

    I add make-up water to the sump usually in the evening when I get home from work. :)
  15. shel

    how long to age saltwater?

    I usually mix mine a couple days in advance, sometimes it is only a day in advance. I keep 2 power heads in it. (I mix 30 gal at once) In the winter I keep a heater in it also. Since it is summer and very HOT here in Arizona, I mix it 3 days in advance then after it has been mixing with the...
  16. shel

    Will blue damsel get aggressive later?

    He will probally be ok, he will likely pick on any fish smaller then him that you add to show the pecking order. I agree with b_ball that it depends on the personality of the fish. Hope this helps. Shel
  17. shel

    Evaporating Salt

    Welcome to the board, it is a great board. Any questions, just post them and someone will answer you. I have the salt crude on my sump, I just push it back in when I do a water change. The salt crude on the top of tank I wipe out, not back into the tank because of dust or whatever. Hope this...
  18. shel

    Clown rules

    I have always been told not to mix them. I have maroon clowns, and they can be little S**t's. When I do a water change the female fallows me and tries to scare me out of the tank. LOL She will swim up and swish her tail at me. I could just imagine what she would do to another kind. Shel
  19. shel

    Underground filteration???

    Thanks Beth, that is what I meant. Under-gravel not under ground. :o lol Shel
  20. shel

    Maroon Gold Stripe Clown

    I feed my maroon gold stripe clown a mixture of frozen brime and formula 1. I also put in a pinch of flake twice a day. Hope this helps. Shel