Search results

  1. srfisher17

    Trigger Owners

    Frozen brine shrimp has very little nutrition. IMO&IME; the more variety, plus vitamins, the better. There is an incredible variety of frozen foods and fresh market seafood available that feeding a variety is easy. RCreations mentioned nori above; every trigger I've had loved the stuff. I'm...
  2. srfisher17

    Help w/ 37 gallon aquarium please!

    just a few off-the-wall suggestions. Maybe a Royal Gramma, or one of the small Flasher Wrasse, Firefish, one of the less aggressive Dottybacks, and there a lot of appropriate Gobies. Really do some research before you buy; many fish that look great at the LFS will outgrow your tank---but you...
  3. srfisher17

    Help w/ 37 gallon aquarium please!

    What do you like? You are somewhat limited, because of the size of your tank.
  4. srfisher17

    Help w/ 37 gallon aquarium please!

    It should, your tank is still cycling. Ammonia & nitrite should stay at zero and nitrate will rise. Nitrate, at a reasonable level (say, subject to argument, less than 60ppm) is fine for fish---but not inverts. BTW, I'd sure get rid of that damsel before you start stocking fish, they are...
  5. srfisher17

    Help w/ 37 gallon aquarium please!

    Bio-Wheels do a good job with ammonia & nitrite and the LR should keep nitrate under control (along with normal water changes). be sure to keep the filters inserts clean and rinse (don't scrub) the bio-wheel assembly as needed. IMO, your PH may be too small; but, with the flow from the filter...
  6. srfisher17

    HELP!!! Need advice for FIN ROT

    Originally Posted by little mermaid Does anyone have any advice for fin rot? Two of my saltwater fish seem to have this and are not doing well at all. I'd repost this in the forum's disease section. There are some great fish-health Pros that hang out there.
  7. srfisher17

    Help w/ 37 gallon aquarium please!

    If you do a WC and nitrite isn't reduced, you almost certainly have a bad test kit. There has been a lot of opinions lately that suggest that nitrite in a SW tank isn't dangerous, but its not normal. What media you have in your power filter to culture bacteria? 7# of LR in your tank is not...
  8. srfisher17

    Why the marroon clown doesn't like orchid?

    I love maroons and have had them for many years; but they really get territorial at this age. If you have a QT, a time-out often works with them. The chances of the maroon not claiming the whole tank, or most of it, really improve when they are the last fish introduced. When small, they look...
  9. srfisher17

    9 years in the hobby--First aggressive fish.

    Originally Posted by IbanEz And that someone in regards to aggressive fish is usually cranberry, saxman, or fmarini. Very true; but they know the possible from the absurd. This thread is starting to remind me that I'd like lions, and most venomous fish, removed from the list of "aggressive"...
  10. srfisher17

    Why the marroon clown doesn't like orchid?

    A single Maroon is almost always a female and a grown one is one of the most territorial fish I know of and capable of killing fish their size or smaller. Plus, they will often claim a huge amount of tank space as 'theirs". IMO, they belong with other aggressive fish that can hold their own.
  11. srfisher17

    Clown Trigger Fading

    These baby CTs are very difficult to raise. I'd suggest you get your stock down to a reasonable level ASAP ; you have WAY too many fish in a small tank. Cramped fish+stress=aggression. A 47 gal is way too small for any tang OR a clown trigger OR a Pink square Anthias. All 3 of these fish, plus...
  12. srfisher17

    9 years in the hobby--First aggressive fish.

    Originally Posted by Cranberry Speg made a funny.... But if there's anything I've learned, for every thing we say can't be done.... rest assured, someone is out there doing it. Yeah. I love threads that start "Has anyone ever.....?' Of course someone, somewhere has. (Briefly, anyway.)
  13. srfisher17

    picasso clown?

    Yeah; holding a live fish like that is very bad for a fish, it removes their slimecoat. Your hands should be wet with the tankwater to do this. I believe ORA, and other breeders, sell their " non-grade A or B" fish to ***** and others.
  14. srfisher17

    surface skimmer?

    In theory they are a good idea; lots of scum is oily and stays on the surface. But, I think a good set up should have enough surface turbulence (for gas exchange) that would make most surface skimmers unnecessary.
  15. srfisher17

    My new 29 gallon Fowlr

    Originally Posted by James Larocque What kind of trouble are you talking about? I assume this is a standard glass, not an acrylic or bowfront tank. The glass in standard tanks is not made to "bend". The soft, silicone sealant provides a little cushion; but if glass is 'bowing", something has...
  16. srfisher17

    My new 29 gallon Fowlr

    I certainly agree with the good advice from Skeez above. The bowing is not normal. Be sure that everything from the floor up (stand, etc) is level, that may be the problem. If the bottom trim of your tank is level and the top trim strip is not; expect trouble. Sometimes, you can cure a little...
  17. srfisher17

    9 years in the hobby--First aggressive fish.

    Originally Posted by Cranberry I don't agree with the clownfish. I've seen fuzzies slurp them up. Never underestimate the gut capacity of any Lion. I had the largest and fattest maroon female I'd ever seen and thought it it was Volitan proof. Cranberry said it wasn't. She was right. An adult...
  18. srfisher17

    Purple Tang Dies Suddenly...

    Sorry for your loss, PTs are great fish. But, fish do die and I doubt you'll ever know why. Just like any living creature, fish can suddenly die without any symptoms.
  19. srfisher17

    What to buy next.....

    IMO, your fish-mix is a disaster just waiting for the fish to grow a bit. As they mature, the clowns will not tolerate each other. One will certainly kill the other. The clown trigger will eat the hermits and the shrimp; then turn into one of the most vicious fish in the hobby. An 80 gal isn't...
  20. srfisher17

    Any ideas on what livestock to add to my new 30 gal tank?

    Originally Posted by meowzer see post 5 I wouldn't put a coral beauty in a 30G....look at all the different types of gobies there are too I agree. lots of sites will list a 30 gal as about the minimum size tank for lots of dwarf angels. But; IME&IMO, these angels need lots of LR to graze on...