Search results

  1. halo_frk03

    help choosing fish for 24g!

    clowns are nice addition to almost any tank firefish... if ure gonna get em.. get them the same color i think bangais are just ugly lawnmower blenny. people seem to like them alot but i think they need a lot of live rock like a lot! coral beauty not exactly reef safe, borderline for that tank...
  2. halo_frk03

    Newb question

    hmmm wouldnt see why not FYI you might be gettin yelled at for having those 2 tangs
  3. halo_frk03

    Ideas for new fish

    which thread would you like me to post my opinions?
  4. halo_frk03

    new fish

    how many threads do u have?
  5. halo_frk03

    idea for new fish

    hey, you dont have to post several threads if people dont respond immediately
  6. halo_frk03

    other fish for tank

    those chromis get pretty big... so u might wanna get rid of em if u wanna maximize ur options but i voted for a royal gramma cuz i had one and it was awesome, great colors, and awesome to watch
  7. halo_frk03

    Keeping LS Clean

    ive always had this dilemma... is it a reef tank? powerheads? star?
  8. halo_frk03

    Catalina Goby in a reef?

    Originally Posted by SMoney I thin they are like 74-78 degrees, I always kept my tank at 78 and still do. so do u currently have a catalina?
  9. halo_frk03

    Catalina Goby in a reef?

    ya the one site i was looking at said it was from mexico but was describing the one from catalina? hmm.... its a respectable site... i should probably email them to clarify
  10. halo_frk03

    24 gallon nano pics and problem with ------ trigger

    camillo- i hope ure still reading this... no one is flaming you and trying to make you run away. we are trying to save you and your fish a lot of trouble. before you buy or even think of buying a fish or coral you should come to this website which has a wealth of information and very smart...
  11. halo_frk03

    9 gal nano

    ya ur overstocked.. by like 3-4 fish
  12. halo_frk03

    24 gallon nano pics and problem with ------ trigger

    do u have a bigger tank for these guys to go into?
  13. halo_frk03

    24 gallon nano pics and problem with ------ trigger

    umm basically the only fish you can keep in that tank are the clowns and maybe the coral beauty everything else (puffer, trigger, wrasse) need way bigger tanks take them back to ur LFS or find them good, suitable homes
  14. halo_frk03

    Catalina Goby in a reef?

    Originally Posted by SMoney I had 2 catalina gobies in my reef tank it lasted they lasted for like 4 months, before they mysteriously disappeared. I think My brittle star ate them. There are two kinds of catalina gobies, their are ones that are coldwater that come from catalina island off...
  15. halo_frk03

    Catalina Goby in a reef?

    Originally Posted by HaLo_Frk03 besides corals what would be some other ways if any to add color to the tank? what are some other small fish that are colder water too? ***) :help:
  16. halo_frk03

    Cleaner shrimp and ich

    i got a cleaner shrimp, actually 2, in attempt to clean my fish of ich... but neither of them touched my fish?
  17. halo_frk03

    Nanocube, Aquapod, whats the diff!? help

    Originally Posted by chipmaker A hood is a piece of cake to make. Here is yet another idea yu may want to consider. That tank you posted a pic of is similar to Red Sea's wave tank and Garden Art (***** house brand) of small pico tanks. I have seen the ***** tanks on sale periodically for $6.11...
  18. halo_frk03

    Mykeys 120 couple O' pics

    Originally Posted by BlackBarracuda wow those are some amazin pics! hey im in illinois too... where did u get those full black percs?
  19. halo_frk03

    Catalina Goby in a reef?

    Originally Posted by reefkprZ Lophelia pertusa is a coldwater coral. besides corals what would be some other ways if any to add color to the tank? what are some other small fish that are colder water too?