the puffer gets up to 4 inches and needs a MINIMUM tank size of 30 gallons and they can get aggressive especially when they are not comfortable... and not reef safe, along with the niger
The color of the Niger Triggerfish, also known as the Redtooth Triggerfish, may change from day to day between blue and green with a striking, lighter blue highlight on the fins and long tail lobes. As an adult, they acquire bright red teeth, making them quite interesting to watch when they eat.
The Niger Triggerfish requires a 70 gallon or larger aquarium with rocks and caves for hiding, and may rearrange the landscaping and rocks. It vocalizes using a "grunting" sound. They are a great active fish for the more aggressive, fish-only display.
The Niger Triggerfish needs a varied diet of meaty foods including; squid, krill, clams, small fish and hard shelled shrimp to help wear down their ever growing teeth.
The Six Line Wrasse is also referred to as the Sixline Wrasse or Sixstripe Wrasse. It has six, horizontal distinctive blue lines lying against an orange background. When courting, the male will display an increased color intensity.
It requires a 30 gallon or larger aquarium with a generous supply of hiding places and live rock in which to forage for food. It may act aggressively towards peaceful Wrasses and other fish that are easily intimidated.
It will search for live foods in the form of small crustaceans such as pyramidellid snails (clam parasites), urchins, and commensal flatworms. Six Line Wrasse are also known to feed on unwanted pests on live rock, such as bristleworms.
When first introduced into the aquarium, live saltwater feeder shrimp should be used to entice this fish to eat. The diet should consist of finely chopped meaty foods and occasionally vitamin-enriched frozen preparations.