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  1. cptn howdy

    Whats the most you have ever consumed?

    this last weekend in vegas i consumed more alcohal then i ever have, i donated more money to the vegas charity fund than i ever have, and had more.....other mind altering things than i ever have. ...dunno if that counts or not.
  2. cptn howdy

    who plays air guitar?

    i have a remote headset for my work so it's real simple: i cannot close a loan unless i'm air guitaring to kerry king.
  3. cptn howdy

    self sufficient males.

    Originally posted by orion7 If you think the date pool is so great come to wyoming. ouch. sorry t' hear that my friend.
  4. cptn howdy

    who likes milk?

    i do
  5. cptn howdy

    self sufficient males.

    wait a minute, wait a minute. stop the bus!! dude, you proclaim the STEREOTYPICAL male to be some nancy boy that likes to clean, work 2 jobs, and complain that there's not enough single women in the dating pool??? oh dude. dude, dude, dude. we can't have this. first off, there's ALWAYS plenty...
  6. cptn howdy

    My Damsels=THE DEAD

    hey kip, this is the buddy that got howdy started in saltwater. i sent him over to the LFS cause they wanted to run their own tests after i ran the first test indicating the high alk level. they ran their own test cause he brang a water sample in. that's when they recommended the buffer. i was...
  7. cptn howdy


    guy gosh i thought addy was short for address
  8. cptn howdy

    My Damsels=THE DEAD

    so does that mean that the buffer fried em?
  9. cptn howdy

    Phish Phans

    well look on the bright side, black sabbath is reuniting for the ozzfest tour.
  10. cptn howdy

    Red Slime!

    i just peel it off. only takes a few seconds.
  11. cptn howdy

    Its a very touching movie!

    oh yeah.
  12. cptn howdy

    who cares...

    that's me on the very left.
  13. cptn howdy

    Its a very touching movie!

    can somebody tell me why they all got on that boat? where the hell were they going??
  14. cptn howdy

    who cares...

    sheesh, we're gettin kinda analytical here. i don't do stuff for other's approval but i think i'm a pretty nice guy.
  15. cptn howdy

    Chocolate chip starfish?

    i dunno. my co-worker got me into this hobby and he's the one who told me that they are known to grub corals. i'd do a search on this board. try using the words "chocolate chip coral" and you should be able to find more detailed info. if you think it's a risk then it's probably best to take back...
  16. cptn howdy

    Qustion on this light

    should be fine. when you start getting lots of corals or buy yer first clam, then consider upgrading.
  17. cptn howdy

    Chocolate chip starfish?

    i've heard horror stories of them eating various polyp corals. watch him closely around them if you have any.
  18. cptn howdy

    My Damsels=THE DEAD

    i just started this about 2 months ago and the fish store said my tank was cycled correctly. i've got my rock, 3 damsels (4 died after the first few days), filter, a flourescent light, heater, ect. we did water tests, everything came back fine EXCEPT my alkalinity was very high. so the fish...