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  1. mr_krabs

    Gymnothorax vs Echidna eels

    :thinking: Well the one at my pet store has a big sfe in with the fimbriate eel and it seems like they are fine....still thinking
  2. mr_krabs

    Gymnothorax vs Echidna eels

    So they will get along:notsure: ? I have a chainlink eel and i'm planning on getting a gymnothorax Fimbriatus (sp?)eel the same size of my chainlink. So does that sound good? Trying to get lots of info as i can. thanks
  3. mr_krabs


    LOL It reminded me of something off of south park
  4. mr_krabs

    forget a panther grouper

  5. mr_krabs

    on the line of life and death! HELP!!!

    I did a 2 gal water change today and will do a 5gal change on friday. Since i have a eel and a shrimp and some crabs the nitrate wont go up really fast.
  6. mr_krabs

    gymnothorax eels

    its going to be a gymnothorax fimbriatus
  7. mr_krabs

    on the line of life and death! HELP!!!

    Originally posted by fishy411 i know u didnt rush but i dont think u were exactly prepared. No test kits and a small Qt tank. tested my water and they are fine nitrates are at 30. I got a cleaner shrimp for my eel today and they are...well.....pretty cool!He's cleaning my eel right now
  8. mr_krabs

    post pics of your eels (no sfe please)

    Any eel but sfe:happy:
  9. mr_krabs

    Selling all

    how much for the 180gal?
  10. mr_krabs

    gymnothorax eels

    yes,maybe stress:thinking: . But when fish get stressed out will there be like problems(cloudy eye,peeling,ect...)?:notsure:
  11. mr_krabs

    on the line of life and death! HELP!!!

    if you are saying i rushed into saltwater I HAD MY LION FOR ABOUT 6 MONTHS
  12. mr_krabs

    gymnothorax eels

    its been 4 freakin hours!
  13. mr_krabs

    any kids 16 and under??

    15, and have the coolest fish in town.....state!
  14. mr_krabs

    Aggressive Tank size question

    :yes: eels,triggers,lionfish,puffers.....
  15. mr_krabs

    gymnothorax eels

    i would like to have a Dragon moray,viper moray,or a yelow head moray. And i will upgade if i have too. But i will only have a chainlink and a gymnothorax eel.
  16. mr_krabs

    gymnothorax eels

    Do they do good with a chainlink eel? What kind may i put in my 55gal? I dont wanna a sfe. TIA
  17. mr_krabs

    Uv sterolizer

    thinking about purching this item. But will it harm my eel?
  18. mr_krabs

    on the line of life and death! HELP!!!

    lion died this morning
  19. mr_krabs

    on the line of life and death! HELP!!!

    there is also like this mucues coming from his eye!!
  20. mr_krabs

    I dont get it?

    Originally posted by Beth Get a snake and tell her its an eel that doesn't always need water. ok