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  1. lexluethar

    Changing XP Pro License?

    If you have the CD you can do a repair installation of the OS. This will keep your personal files in tact, as well as the programs you have already installed. The only downside is you will have to reinstall the updates and reactivate with the product license (in your case the correct one :))...
  2. lexluethar

    Sold my tank

    I sold my tank today to my LFS. As some may know i've been unemployed since being laid off in January. Got a job last week that starts April 6th in a new city. It got to me thinking about my aquarium: -I really didn't want to deal with the move -I've wanted to upgrade for a while now -New...
  3. lexluethar

    know when its safe to add anemone

    Originally Posted by meowzer I was thinking the same thing.. why would you have copper in your tank? LOL You'd add copper as a treatment of some parasites. This is why it is suggested that if you are treating fish with treatments involving copper you use another tank and QT the fish. Copper...
  4. lexluethar

    Hypothetical question... would you use marijuana for medicinal purposes only?

    Define treatment. IT doesn't treat anything, just 'eases' your pain during any treatment (or lack of) you are getting. I agree it should be legalized and i honestly feel at some point will be. Speaking of taxable goods to makup some deficit money...
  5. lexluethar

    Guess what.... . . .

    Ya you shouldn't have fish in there at this point in your tank's life. You should cycle the tank first, THEN introduce fish. Spanko is right, it could be ammonia posioning.
  6. lexluethar

    need help

    Sound be 34 to 36 ppm(or is it ppt?) salinity... i don't know what that comes out to be with SG. Are you using a hydrometer or refractometer?
  7. lexluethar

    Just want to say good bye and sorry

    Originally Posted by Darthtang AW Must be all the political threads.................. Thank you! It most definately is because of those! :)
  8. lexluethar

    Just want to say good bye and sorry

    Where does this come from?
  9. lexluethar

    My Good Deed for Today...

    Well done 316, seriously. On both accounts.
  10. lexluethar

    Guess what.... . . .

    Either way you need to quarantee that animal and get it away from all of your other ones. I'm thinking Ick.
  11. lexluethar

    Sleeping anemone?

    Yes, and it isn't sleeping. Anemones will go into recession at night when they don't feel comfortable in their environment. Also every few days they will become extremely deflated which expells waste from their body (pushes all of the water out if its body, then reinflats with fresh water)...
  12. lexluethar

    need help

    Ya that anemone looks a little bleached. The tenticles are good color at the tips, but the entire anemone should have that color. YOu can see the base of the tenticles doesn't have a brownish tint? It's becoming bleached - meaning it also came from a store that either doesn't have adequate...
  13. lexluethar

    need help

    Very good advice Invert! Seriously you need to have small mesh filters on all powerheads. Take it from a guy that had an anemone for over a year before it got chopped up into millions of pieces in my tank... Ya PC won't do squat for anemone's in your tank. The T-5's are minimal IMO, how many...
  14. lexluethar

    Do I need this HOB Filter??? Pic included.

    Originally Posted by socal57che I respectfully disagree. The filter will remove particulate waste from the water column and lighten the load on your DTs natural filter. It also allows you to run carbon in the event of chemical warfare engaged by your coral. I'd leave it if I were you. Can you...
  15. lexluethar

    What did you major in?

    Human Resources Management.
  16. lexluethar

    need help

    "Bright" lights won't cut it, you really really really need to do your research and let us know what type of lighting you have. T5, PC, Metal Halide, etc. Google search the name and model number on the unit and / or bulbs. 90 gallon should be fine IMO. Just ensure they are both staying away...
  17. lexluethar

    False Percula and Pacific cleaner shrimp relationship!

    They will be fine. I see those two co-living in lots of aquariums. The shrimp won't harm the clown. The only time would be if it was severely starving and then anything is possible. The clown would have to be on deaths doorstep in order for that shrimp to get ahold of it anyways.
  18. lexluethar

    need help

    What do you need help with? Why the condi looks dead? Need some information like: Tank size? Lighting? Length you've had tank up? What all is in the tank? What do you use as a filter? Answer those for us. As for my first guess it could either be because it was just a bad purchase (anemone was...
  19. lexluethar

    still fighting nitrates!!

    Yes i think you are overfeeding IMO. Just my opinion, but yes, that is definately ONE cause of the nitrates (there may be others). Get a coffee cup you don't use and won't use (ceramic). But like four cubes in there and submerse the cubes (or almost submerse) them in tank water. This will...
  20. lexluethar

    still fighting nitrates!!

    I think you are overfeeding IMO. You don't need a whole cube to feed those fish. Put that cube in a coffee cup and dilute it with some water from the tank. Then suck it up w/ a squirt tube (brain fart on what those are called) and spray it into the tank. Only put what the fish can eat under...