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  1. lexluethar

    still fighting nitrates!!

    Don't use test strips, as they have a history of being innacurate. Get a real test kit and see what your trate levels are. What this an established tank that had low Nitrates then all of the sudden high, or is this a new tank? Have you allowed the entire cycle to go through its paces? While...
  2. lexluethar

    SWF Aquarium Forum on the DECLINE?

    As darth brought up in another thread, i think they need to do away with all of the sections. There was a time when there wasn't two in a half dozen areas to post. While you would think it would make it easier for people to post specific topics, IMO I had the opposite effect. If you don't...
  3. lexluethar

    Political discussions

    He's ruining the government and going to destroy this economy and country. Okay now i've summed up everything that will be posted here, please close... :)
  4. lexluethar


    Third post from the top in the aquarium section.
  5. lexluethar


    Straight from the rules section of the aquarium: 'As Mods we do generally allow discussions to address difficult topics, but as a community please remember we're here to discuss SWF. The aquarium is supposed to be a forum for oveflow topics, not permanent residency. Calling someone out on...
  6. lexluethar

    Has it always been?

    It has nothing to do with not clicking a thread, it has to do with every thread posted in this particular forum is politically motivated, or half that aren't turn into it. I just wanted to get your guys and gals opinions and state IMHO that a lot of the same people that are starting these...
  7. lexluethar

    Has it always been?

    No no no, it has nothing to do with me feeling offended. Sersiously I don't care, and to be honest a good amount of times people have great discussions. I consider myself in the middle for the most part and believe a lot of the 'fears' that people have are well deserved. I just think it is...
  8. lexluethar

    Has it always been?

    I used to come here all the time and see good discussions about everything. Today when I come on here all I see is Obama did this or that. It seems the majority of the topics are politically motivated or turn into politics. The only thing that annoys me is I see people that are just coming to...
  9. lexluethar

    Picasso's in their new home

    Beautiful, when i get another tank or when my clowns die i'm definately getting picaso's, they are so awesome looking.
  10. lexluethar

    Why My Snails are dying

    What is your SG?
  11. lexluethar

    should they get their money back?

    IMO no. With that mentality then the SEC should give them all of their money back for allowing this tool to work them over.
  12. lexluethar

    shark killers.

    They should have just left the water IMO. He says he got everyone out of the water which is why there isn't a whole lot of footabe of the shark being super aggressive - because he told the camera man and another person to leave. At that point he should have done the same and let the shark be...
  13. lexluethar

    shark killers.

    I thought it attacked him... That is what i've read. But I agree, the diver was in the water, it's like the shark coming to your home and killing you because you were in your home...
  14. lexluethar

    I have an idea

    So inviting him to a summit that was already scheduled is a waste of money?
  15. lexluethar

    Leather w/spot PIC

    In the meantime you can put direct flow from a powerhead on it. This won't make it look any better but this will help push off any dead flesh from the bacteria areas.
  16. lexluethar

    Leather w/spot PIC

    I should add a disclaimer :) While this worked for me it doesn't mean it will fix your issue. I had to research and read up for about a week before i went through with this. I was out of options and needed a cure that wasn't natural - since all natural things weren't working. I'm by no means...
  17. lexluethar

    Leather w/spot PIC

    Definately, sorry spanko you're right. See what you have, read up on it, then use it. I don't know how much to put in a bucket or a gallon since I don't know what you are using. Also see if it is iodine or iodide, i used iodide and from what i've researched they are similar in nature, just...
  18. lexluethar

    Leather w/spot PIC

    Yes, but you'll use a much larger dose to clean up the leather. So you'll have to take it out and dip it in this iodide / iodine concentration for a few minutes, then dip it in plain saltwater to rinse off the iodide, then put it back in the tank. Yes iodine is used as a suppliment, but it can...
  19. lexluethar

    Leather w/spot PIC

    Necrosis. I had the same thing happen to my devil hand leather. See if a dip with reef iodine works. Purchase some and read the directions, but you usually put like a cap full per 20 gallons or something like that. Use a really concentrated mix (my was one cap per 20 gallons and i used one...
  20. lexluethar

    am i the only one affected by this economy

    Yup, unemployed as of Jan 1st. Other than a water change every 2 to 3 weeks all spending on the aquarium is on hold until i can get gainful employment.