Leather w/spot PIC


Originally Posted by spanko
Going out on a limb here but I say get the correct product.
OK, I have to order it...what do I order...also my leather looks unhappy htis morning...anything I can do until I can get the item?


Active Member
Kent Marine Lugol's Solution Iodine 1oz
Kent Marine Lugol's Solution is an iodine supplement formulated for salt water aquaria. Kent Marine Lugol's Solution provides a very strong source of free iodine and iodide to reef inhabitants and macroalgae. This formula is particularly effective when used with stony corals and systems containing Xenia and soft corals. Kent Marine Lugol's Solution can also be used as a dip for stony and soft or leather corals, and will help rid them of unwanted parasites and harmful bacteria. This product improves colouration, prevents the bleaching of delicate corals and enhances coral polyp expansion. Kent Lugol's Solution is a key nutrient for marine invertebrates and fishes. This solution does not contain any phosphate, nitrate, gluconate or other sugars.
Lugol's Solution is VERY strong, and must be measured with care!
Average dosage: 1 drop per 25 gallons aquarium capacity per week. Add to the sump or an area of high water flow.
To use as a coral dip: add 40 drops to 1 gallon aquarium water in a separate bucket, and immerse coral for 10-15 minutes.


Thanks, I'll get some on order...BUT I think I need to do something now....It looks like a little kid with it's head in the corner..


Active Member
Leathers are fairly hardy from what I have read. Unless someone with some real experience helps out here my suggestion is to get some goo fairly direct flow on it and let it be until you get your Lugol's. Sad is probably okay, melting is a bad sign. Wish I could be of more help!


Originally Posted by spanko
Leathers are fairly hardy from what I have read. Unless someone with some real experience helps out here my suggestion is to get some goo fairly direct flow on it and let it be until you get your Lugol's. Sad is probably okay, melting is a bad sign. Wish I could be of more help!

You have been...thanks....It is a little perkier..the top anyway. The stem where the spots are seems to be a little skinnier than usual....I am going to move it a liittle into a better flow spot and get that stuff ordered....and like you said
Maybe someone with leather experience will offer something else in the meantime...it will take me a week to get the lugols


Active Member
I am not saying to do this right now but do not be surprised if you get direction to get out the xacto knife, a week may be too long of a time to let it go. Don't you have one of the big pet stores around close?


Originally Posted by spanko
I am not saying to do this right now but do not be surprised if you get direction to get out the xacto knife, a week may be too long of a time to let it go. Don't you have one of the big pet stores around close?
There is nothing by me....Wednesday I have to take the afternoon off and go in TX for an appointment...There is a Pet Smart there...I will stop by and see if they might have it, but they have very little for SW, adn the ***** is TX is even worse...


awww...I told you I live in a crappy area...MAYBE I should at least rinse it once with the stuff I have??????


Active Member
In the meantime you can put direct flow from a powerhead on it. This won't make it look any better but this will help push off any dead flesh from the bacteria areas.


Originally Posted by LexLuethar
In the meantime you can put direct flow from a powerhead on it. This won't make it look any better but this will help push off any dead flesh from the bacteria areas.
I moved it over some...thanks
Originally Posted by spanko

IDK, seems like a crappy situation. We are gonna need some help!
I KNOW...Maybe I should ask if a shark can go in a 55g...then I will get answers



Well it's true...I have a legit issue that I need help with...I have had 3 people reply (grateful for you guys) WHERe'S MY HELP????


WELLL...Patience and me..HAH...I went ahead and mixed a dip with what I had..it looked like the spots had grown so I figured what could happen...anyway. I dipped it for 3 minutes, and the spots rubbed off immediately, I then rinsed it off in a bucket with tank water, and put it back in the spot where it has more flow....SOOOOO I'll let you know how it works out...