am i the only one affected by this economy


Active Member
as most people who invested so much money on real estate , i am too are there anyone else watching there fish / coral account lately? i know that this addiction is more expensive than my cars

eric b 125

by the way, this should probably be posted in the aquarium


Active Member
Yup, unemployed as of Jan 1st.
Other than a water change every 2 to 3 weeks all spending on the aquarium is on hold until i can get gainful employment.


Active Member
We have started cutting back. I passed up a Yellow Goby/Pistol shrimp combo for $17.50 this week. Every penny is making a difference. My wife's company nuked their bonus program = $20,000 annual pay cut.

salt life

Active Member
everyone is feeling it. I'm broke after plumbing in another tank to my system so I can't spend any more money on it right now besides buying food and water changes, it's a bummer the way things are.


Active Member
Really bad here too. Started cutting back a long time ago. Self employed and highly dependant on the new home industry, and operating with a skeleton crew right now just hoping to ride it out. You know it's bad when your Mexicans start moving back to Mexico because there is no work for them in the US. The extra time has gotten the wheels spinning in my head again though. Currently researching and considering starting another business based on an idea I have had for a year or two, just never had the time/motivation to move on it.


Active Member
Luckily no. Military is still buying equip., though we've expanded to other countries to CYA. Gas $ dropping as freed up $25-$30 a week, and all of the restaurants trying for any type of business, has helped too.


Active Member
i work in the only part of housing that hasnt taken a major drop in this mess, i build luxury custom homes on the jersey shore. the call for increase in taxes on the people making over 250,000 has called many people not to sign contracts. i cant wait for even more stimulus. i am thinking about going to washington this summer if i dont have any work and see if i can find some democrat to actually kick me in the nuts directly while doing it on paper at the same time.


luckily this resetion/depression hasen't affected the chip/waffer industry. so i am just sitten back waiten for a good deal...


Active Member
I'm buying a second house and renting what I have now. No matter how bad things get people still need a place to live and I can't make jack leaving the cash in the bank. With Obama's planned tax hikes I need the write offs anyway.


Originally Posted by reefraff
I'm buying a second house and renting what I have now. No matter how bad things get people still need a place to live and I can't make jack leaving the cash in the bank. With Obama's planned tax hikes I need the write offs anyway.
100% agree... realestate is where it's @
... for now...


Active Member
I just looked at a 3 bedroom, 1 bath house with a 3 car garage that isn't 4 years old. 104.5K. Has an HOA which is a drag but we are thinking about it.


jump on it!! low ball the piss out of it first, but get all of the property that you can. IMHO I think houses will still be pretty cheap through mid year, then start slowly going up over the next 2 -3 years, then equalize.... I bought a little place next to the golf course to rent out. (got a steal on it) but, anyway, I'll rent it out, then move into retire, or sell if the price comes right...


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefraff
I just looked at a 3 bedroom, 1 bath house with a 3 car garage that isn't 4 years old. 104.5K. Has an HOA which is a drag but we are thinking about it.
You should see the stuff here! Its nuts. It sucks for everyone that got hit by the housing crisis, but I'm gonna have a sweet house with nothing down (except Obama's 8K, the only time you will see me praising the stimulus bill)! 120-130, 2-3 yrs old at 4.8% fixed, thats pretty much less than I pay for rent once I knock out the second mort.gage in 5 years....


Active Member
Originally Posted by sickboy
You should see the stuff here! Its nuts. It sucks for everyone that got hit by the housing crisis, but I'm gonna have a sweet house with nothing down (except Obama's 8K, the only time you will see me praising the stimulus bill)! 120-130, 2-3 yrs old at 4.8% fixed, thats pretty much less than I pay for rent once I knock out the second mort.gage in 5 years....
I have a moral dilema with that. Do I take the money that I shouldn't be taking? Or do I not take the money?
We aren't doing bad. Our company is growing significantly. And although the oil industry has slowed down a bit. The renewables sector should be heating up with all the Obama nutcase global warming hype. (and believe it or not oil companies have their fingers in renewables)


Active Member
even though i have a crappy retail job at Meijer making $7.75 a hour and too am stuggling. my hours have been cut from 40 hours a week to 25 to 30 hours a week. so before taxes i am making only between $190-$232.50.
so $760- $930. i know people get get unemployement of more than what i make a month and they are just sitting around at home!