shark killers.

salt life

Active Member
just saw on my local news a diver who killed a tiger shark because it was swimming in the same area him and his buddy were diving. the shark didn't attack them, it was just swimming around and the guy had to shoot it 6 times with his speargun then finish it off with his dive knife.

I hate people who do those kinds of things

salt life

Active Member
In that video it says it came at him and at the last second he turned away. The shark could of just been curious and was checking them out.
Regardless, he shouldn't have killed it IMO. if he can't handle a big fish checking him out then don't get in their water.


Active Member
Tough issue here. In the video it's clear that a potential man-eating, large shark approached the diver. Difficult to say what the shark's intentions were at that time. Even if it was just curious, sharks often inspect things by biting at them. And then if there is an injured diver with blood in the water then it's a whole different ballgame.
Terrible story... I love sharks. But if you were in that situation, I think there's a chance that any of us may have done the same thing.


Active Member
If they new the possibility of encountering Tiger sharks was there they shouldn't have even been in the water.
Tiger sharks will eat anything, it's their nature ... and if these guys are as experienced as they claim they should've known this.
Hope they enjoyed the kill ..


Active Member
They should have just left the water IMO. He says he got everyone out of the water which is why there isn't a whole lot of footabe of the shark being super aggressive - because he told the camera man and another person to leave.
At that point he should have done the same and let the shark be IMO. I agree, it is sad and IMO unecessary unless they were all retreating from the water and it continue to take an aggressive stance and they felt they couldn't retreat w/o injury.


Active Member
I saw these guys on the Today show this morning. Their intent was not to kill the shark. (or anything for that matter) But the shark was charging them (and ultimately turning away)
but they did not know that. The guy speared him to kill him. Not injur. Their feelings were that if they injured it, it would go off and die anyway. So they made sure it was killed. It was an interesting story, it may be on the Today shows website.

salt life

Active Member
Originally Posted by lovethesea
I saw these guys on the Today show this morning. Their intent was not to kill the shark. (or anything for that matter) But the shark was charging them (and ultimately turning away)
but they did not know that. The guy speared him to kill him. Not injur. Their feelings were that if they injured it, it would go off and die anyway. So they made sure it was killed. It was an interesting story, it may be on the Today shows website.
how is that interesting, they are in the sharks water, they should know the precautions they need to take if they come into contact with something like that, why didn't he just get out of the water like he told the other people to do? if you look at the video, the shark is veritcal the whole time he is shooting it with his speargun then stabbing it with his knife, the shark does not seem to be attacking them at all.


Originally Posted by Salt Life
how is that interesting, they are in the sharks water, they should know the precautions they need to take if they come into contact with something like that, why didn't he just get out of the water like he told the other people to do? if you look at the video, the shark is veritcal the whole time he is shooting it with his speargun then stabbing it with his knife, the shark does not seem to be attacking them at all.


Active Member
that is not what was shown first. That is the middle/end of video. I think they were charged and feared if they fled he would attack. I don't think they were close to their boat at all.

Did you find the interview?

salt life

Active Member
Originally Posted by lovethesea
that is not what was shown first. That is the middle/end of video. I think they were charged and feared if they fled he would attack. I don't think they were close to their boat at all.

Did you find the interview?
yeah I saw it on the news this morning, they had to be close to the boat because like 2 other people he told to get out of the water when the shark was swimming around them, but yet he stayed in the water with the camera man.


Active Member
almost this exact same thing happened to a co-worker of mine. him and a group were diving on a shipwreck off the SC coast. only when they hit the water did they realize that a group of 10-12 tiger sharks had chosen this shipwreck as a breeding ground or a meeting place. he said one of them was about 12 foot and one was about 15 foot and the rest were 6 foot and smaller. he said as soon as they hit the water, the sharks immediately started circling them and the 12 footer starting getting closer and closer until one of them finally hit it with one of those sharkgun things and killed it. when the shark was hit and started bleeding, all the other sharks attacked it and the divers made tracks back to the boat.
now, about midway through this video, you can see the shark is within 10 feet of the guy's s-pear and is clearly circling him. I'm no expert, but I'd say if a tiger shark is circling you within 10 feet, you better do whatever you need to live. like Big Arn said, a tiger shark will eat ANYTHING and are known to be pretty aggresive. I don't buy that whole "we're in their environment" thing. on land, we're in the environment of bears, lions, and alligators. and I'd imagine that if you were being closed in on by a bear or lion and had the means to defend yourself, you'd probably do it.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Pontius
almost this exact same thing happened to a co-worker of mine. him and a group were diving on a shipwreck off the SC coast. only when they hit the water did they realize that a group of 10-12 tiger sharks had chosen this shipwreck as a breeding ground or a meeting place. he said one of them was about 12 foot and one was about 15 foot and the rest were 6 foot and smaller. he said as soon as they hit the water, the sharks immediately started circling them and the 12 footer starting getting closer and closer until one of them finally hit it with one of those sharkgun things and killed it. when the shark was hit and started bleeding, all the other sharks attacked it and the divers made tracks back to the boat.
now, about midway through this video, you can see the shark is within 10 feet of the guy's s-pear and is clearly circling him. I'm no expert, but I'd say if a tiger shark is circling you within 10 feet, you better do whatever you need to live. like Big Arn said, a tiger shark will eat ANYTHING and are known to be pretty aggresive. I don't buy that whole "we're in their environment" thing. on land, we're in the environment of bears, lions, and alligators. and I'd imagine that if you were being closed in on by a bear or lion and had the means to defend yourself, you'd probably do it.
Unfortunately, I have to agree with Pontius.

That was even hard to write.