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  1. mary

    Sun coral ans phytoplex

    Squidd, So you do feed yours the phyto plex? I am so confused. Have to go and read up on this. Hopefully one of my books will clear this up. And hair algea; since I have been using both zooplankton and phyto, the tank has a terrible problem. I am constantly sucking up the algea. A new problem...
  2. mary

    Sun coral ans phytoplex

    Zooplankton is what I had been feeding it, now I know my LFS isn't always correct. It does eat brine shrimp, but with shrimp I have to keep fighting them off, in that they get the brine from the polyps of the cups on the sun coral. Well, guess it is feeding on something other than what I have...
  3. mary

    Does ICH Affect Corals?

    Beth, My very healthy mandarin was about 5 years old and went missing, just after I'd seen it pecking these tiny black "crawly's" off of rock, something the tank has had since we first put the rock in. Tonight, as I was looking for it with the flashlight on, a most distressing sight caught my...
  4. mary

    schooling anthias..

    Unless our blue tang, {Regal}, is unique, it overgrew it's tank within two years. Became very large and very stressed. Had to sell him back to the LFS. If eventually your fish grow too large it is heartbreaking to have to take them out of their "home" and sell them. For me anyway. It's a...
  5. mary

    Sun coral ans phytoplex

    Phyto plex, a kent product. Aquacultured.
  6. mary

    Sun coral ans phytoplex

    I purchased Phytp plex and later saw on one of these forums a negative comment on that product. Bought it for my sun coral. Any comments? Thanx
  7. mary

    fish missing

    Get your order # out and call tech support.
  8. mary

    Tank Update and Growth Pics

    sorry, I type way to fast and badly, "growth potential!!"
  9. mary

    Tank Update and Growth Pics

    Really beautiful with so much growth ptoentia. Another 4 months. Nice job with the rock.
  10. mary

    Stocking a 29 G

    I do not know a thing about mixing damsels. Si sorry. Please address this question to someone else. Usually the rule of thumb with other fish of the same family, and if they are aggressive, you never mix. I meant three or four of the same would be lovely in your tank. I love the brilliant...
  11. mary

    LMB Scrapes its Sides on the Sand - Need Help ASAP

    Wow, what kind of sandsifter star? I thought aquarium stars only ate micro algeas. Shows what I don't know.
  12. mary

    Does ICH Affect Corals?

    Euphoria, Good, you ARE talking to Beth. Just checked out the disease forum. She is really informed, knows her stuff.
  13. mary

    LMB Scrapes its Sides on the Sand - Need Help ASAP

    Please check out the disease forum and ask about uv sterilizers. The water in the ocean does not have a sterilizer. How do you keep the good bacteria in your tank that fish need for their skin ? they also need to rub coral slime on their bodies from time to time. You did not establish whether...
  14. mary

    Can anyone tell me what this is?

    Three would do it. I know people who have a lot more fish in smaller tanks. They are not having such good luck though. Three small peppermints should do fine. My other shrimp do let them know when they want their space but they never have killed any of them. They all keep to their areas...
  15. mary

    Koran Angel

    Please keep us posted.. I love hearing about unusal behaviors in fish. Thanks
  16. mary

    Koran Angel

    T snails? or snells. Interesting behavior. Snails have slime which the fish may be trying to put on its skin. But keep watching, sounds interesting!
  17. mary

    Can anyone tell me what this is?

    Elvictra, The shrimp will hide for a few days maybe. It will be more visible with another of it's kind, but can be added another time. My tank at one time, years ago was inundated with aptasia. they are the weed and scourge of an aquarium. Even had to take one off of a coral it tried to...
  18. mary

    LMB Scrapes its Sides on the Sand - Need Help ASAP

    No it is not useless. Euphoria, believe me I know how difficult it is to catch a fish. They are really stressed after being caught and you wonder if they won't get ich just from that, let alone dipping it is in fresh water. It still may. The dip has been successful for many, and not for...
  19. mary

    Stocking a 29 G

    Michelle has a great collection of fish. Just refrain from the six line. Please. You will only be very sorry. Now mine has decided to harrass the neon gobies, who up to now haven't been bothered by the wrasse. I must remove it and that means destroying everything in the tank to get it...
  20. mary

    Stocking a 29 G

    You could also add colorful cleaner shrimp eventually. Two in that they are very social. One much smaller than the other, so they stay together as a pair. Peppermints are fun also and keep any aptasia from becoming a problem. They must be fed just as fish are. In a small tank they would have...