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  1. mary

    xenia for nutrient export?

    After reading everyones comments on zenia, I am going to put some in my tank, starting with some small frags from my friend. Maybe as they grow slowly things will change gradually, therefor no major problems. Love to experiment anyway.
  2. mary

    COTM:Plate corals(short tentacles)

    That coral should be called "The golden Glorieon". I have to get some pics done but am so unsavvy as to how to get them onto the computer. Can maybe have my husband help. Have a digital, should be able to do it. Gorgeous photos, thanks to all of you who share them.
  3. mary

    xenia for nutrient export?

    Hmmm, think I won't put any Zenia in. Thanks. I will attempt to understand all I have read here on the purpose of zenia's and find some more info that can help me figure this out. Still fighting algeas and as long as that isn't solved will stay away from any other problems that might occur...
  4. mary

    xenia for nutrient export?

    So I am to understand that putting a zenia into a mature tank could upset the stability of my tank? A friend is going to give me some babies to add to my collection of corals, and was really excited about them. Should I rethink that?
  5. mary

    COTM:Plate corals(short tentacles)

    Thanks for all the info on plate corals. Have had mine for 8 years and am surprised it does so well in that the peppermint shrimp are a constant threat to feeding time. Once a week I give it a morsel of shrimp or scallop and have to keep watch for at least 30 minutes. The shrimps will still...
  6. mary

    Sun coral

    Thanks for correcting me. At this point I think what I am doing is proving to work for my sun coral. It is performing beautifully and excepting all the varied diet I am giving it so will continue as have been doing. Again thank you for clarifying.
  7. mary

    best goby

    Thanks Bang Guy!
  8. mary

    best goby

    Of course I am very familiar with the delightful Neon's. Just haven't seen mine for a month since my last storm cleaning. I only airate, then with a baster get up algea so know my neons didn't get sucked up. They just freak out, and hide forever.
  9. mary

    best goby

    Bang Guy, Are all those small upon reaching full size? I would like another bottom dwelling goby but want one that also cruises the tank. Have to look them up also. Thanks.
  10. mary

    What kind of Foods do you feed your corals?

    Reefer, I forget about the rotifer cultures in the tank. That is so important. Since I have been feeding these newer corals the zoo's and yellow leather that I've had for years have benefitted from the phyto and other varied foods that I would have not begun useing had it not been for the sun...
  11. mary

    best goby

    All the gobies . sand sifting, banded goby, need lots of live stuff in the sand to eat. They also get very long. Mine were 5-6 inches in length, fully grown in my 90 gallon. Don't have them any more. One was eaten or perhaps died and was partially consumed after five years, the other lived...
  12. mary

    best goby

    The neon gobies are my favorite but need to be social with at least two to four of them in a tank. You will only see it maybe if you are lucky, when it is feeding time. I love their antics and watching them clean fishes, however, when cleaning your tank, they feak out and hide often for days...
  13. mary

    What kind of Foods do you feed your corals?

    kristheeze, What are "pearls"? Referring to the white pearls you mentioned. I feed my sun coral brine[frozen], mixed with phytoplex and vary that with 'cyclopeze', however it is spelled. The sun coral is thriving on that diet. once a week Now and then I grind up fresh seafood, whatever I have...
  14. mary

    Supposed Mystery Animal in Maryland

    Although I am for the humane treatment of animals, including those that I eat, I want to know that they have been humanely raised and humanely slaughtered. Growing up on a farm unfornutaly I know the difference. In mass slaughter you know the animals are treated horribly in our industries...
  15. mary

    What the bleepedy-bleep is going on?

    Alison, You know. I looked back at some of the "help" comments and I see what you mean. Somehow overlooked them. The negative comments are useless. Sorry. Now it is understood. Can't figure out why some of you can't just give constructive advice given you all must be real pro's at this. I...
  16. mary

    What the bleepedy-bleep is going on?

    I hope you get as addicted with your, once established, tank as I have. After the learning and getting it to the point of where you really know what you are doing. it is thoroughly enjoyable! Mine is very calming, and an educational tool. Love and need both. Enjoy
  17. mary

    What the bleepedy-bleep is going on?

    So Alison, Your advice is different than what all of us have been telling him? Not trying to start anything here now, but it seems you are repeating in your own words exactly what many of us who are trying to be helpful, have already told Robvia. Why do you use the term nagging? And it is...
  18. mary

    What the bleepedy-bleep is going on?

    Your clown trigger with another aggressive fish will not work out when they get larger,yet I am curious with a less agressive fish if it'll work out. Please keep us informed. We all learn from one another. Good luck!
  19. mary

    Sun coral

    DT is marine snow! Oh. MBTulima, thanks. I actually have DT. Didn't know it was one and the same. Is "Marine Snow" a brand of it?
  20. mary

    Sun coral

    Caryn, By the way, my sun coral came with several empty cups yet after 4 months it has developed several tiny new cups. Don't let the grey dead ones bother you.