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  1. steelgluer

    MH help for RBTA

    As for lighting here is a 75 gallon with 4 t5 lights with indv reflectors. That is 2.88 per gallon if you want to go that way with calculating lighting by the watt per gallon. So I would say go with t5 there cheaper on the electric bill and just as good as halide...
  2. steelgluer

    need activity in the tank

    Originally Posted by mastertech i would like an active/peaceful schooling reef tank. i currently have a 125 reef tank with over 200 lbs of live rock. there is one Ocellaris Clownfish 3 1/4", one keyhole angle 2 3/4" one watchman goby 2 1/2" and three firefish 2 1/4" i was thinking of a 6 line...
  3. steelgluer

    mandarin goby

    Originally Posted by sepulatian Mandarins can be trained to eat frozen, but will not live long from it, especially not from brine. That is like only feeding your kids cotton candy. They absolutely MUST have pods to eat. Unless you have at least 70-100lbs of very mature live rock, and a refugium...
  4. steelgluer

    Nano,Anemone, Clowns

    Nice what is that next to the rose bubble?
  5. steelgluer

    I thought some of you would like this
  6. steelgluer

    Some Help with Starting a Reef Tank

    First look inside your wallet cause whats there now will never be there again. Then spend alot of time reading on what you like then what you will need to keep it.
  7. steelgluer

    green cabbage coral

    Originally Posted by nuro i ran accross some some green cabbage coral at the LFS and picked up a chunk for farily cheap. i cant seem to find much about it out there, anyoen have experience with this. currently im treating it just like my reg ol brown cabbage. Name: LE Coral's Neon Green...
  8. steelgluer

    OMG Phosphates over 2

    Originally Posted by meowzer I started to get a little cyano in the horse tank again...So I tested the water this morning..PHOSPHATES ARE OVER 2 I immediately took the filter apart and added 2 cut to fit aqua pure phosphate filter pads I took 2 hours off the light timer I am making RO/DI for a...
  9. steelgluer

    What salt mix do you use?

    For poops and giggles I went and got me a pale of ***** salt for 29.99 was on sale. I tested it after mixing up 10 gallons of water dissolved very very fast, 1 scoop of salt per gallon of water and surprise 10 scoops put the salt at 1024. Check alk was at only 7 low not hard to raise that up...
  10. steelgluer

    Has anyone seen this
  11. steelgluer

    softie Tank

    Originally Posted by meowzer Very nice looking wouldn't have a before pic would ya??? No cant find them if you look at pic 1 and 5 youll see 2 frags there growing thats what they started at. In pic 2 upper left im starting cabbage leater. Hope that goes as good as the others. I...
  12. steelgluer

    softie Tank

    Originally Posted by Deon NYC whats kind of lighting do u have? 4 t5's 54 watt 2-actincs 1-10000k and 1-12000k no reflectors, Inside is painted white and mylar on the top of canopy. Thanks
  13. steelgluer

    softie Tank

    None at all he is a model citizen
  14. steelgluer

    softie Tank

    Yea a guy around here was getting ride of him so I took him Ill either keep him or put him in the 180 im setting up, or give hime away when he gets to about 4 to 5 inches, he shares that tank will a maroon clown they are buddies side by side at all times. They both eat out of my hand and when I...
  15. steelgluer

    softie Tank

    couple more
  16. steelgluer

    softie Tank

    Everything was a 1inch frag 1 year ago
  17. steelgluer

    So I got some Hitchikers

  18. steelgluer

    Skimmer ?????

    Originally Posted by bmkj02 Have you tried closing the valve a little to bring the water up some. Might need a little adjusting. BTW, thats a nice DIY skimmer. Did you post a how to make it? I would like to see how you made this. I need a skimmer bad and im fixing to order an octopus 150 nw but...
  19. steelgluer

    Skimmer ?????

    I have a diy skimmer been running good for a long time all of a sudden when the skimmate gets to the top of the riser it falls back down. My ? is could the pump be going? Thanks
  20. steelgluer

    Anenome bleeched

    Originally Posted by Nw2Salt08 Possibly overfeeding?? That can stress an anemone. They'll take food even when they don't need to be fed sometimes. Over feeding will cause the split. But not to sure it will cause the bleeching though. Im goinng to stick to my idea after the first one split and...