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  1. bbnglodt

    buried anemone... In 2 seconds?

    So this morning at 0500, I'm doing my usual routine of adding my calcium and Ph buffer, and blah, blah, blah (same thing I have done every morning for the past year). and this morning, right after I put in the calcium, reached down for the buffer... and whoa... wtf, where did the 9 inch carpet...
  2. bbnglodt

    Carpet anemone buried in sand in 2 seconds?

    So this morning at 0500, I'm doing my usual routine of adding my calcium and Ph buffer, and blah, blah, blah (same thing I have done every morning for the past year). and this morning, right after I put in the calcium, reached down for the buffer... and whoa... wtf, where did the 9 inch carpet...
  3. bbnglodt

    Discovered a shrimp in my LR

    Agree, dont look like a mantis to me....
  4. bbnglodt


    OOPS sorry I just saw you meant for ophiura to reply not general response.... my bad
  5. bbnglodt


    My experience is that all brittles are lumpy and somewhat irregular shaped in the central disk area. That however is wierd IMHO. If you see him again, I would prolly take him out of the main and put him either in one of those hanging fuges (so you can remove him ASAP if you notice him getting...
  6. bbnglodt

    Ro/di Units

    I say extremely low from having had the unpleasant opportunity of reviewing water quality from medical perspective as it pertains to pediatric health care. Though by no means nearly as precise as that which most of us strive to obtain. What you didnt include in your list is transient bacteria...
  7. bbnglodt

    Ro/di Units

    I see the list you posted and agree. However the levels of most of those are extemely low, as in nondetectable, or completely absent. However, as I stated initially, nothing will replace an R/O DI unit for clariy and quality. It still does not change the fact that what I presented is a viable...
  8. bbnglodt

    Ro/di Units

    True, but most of the metals, from the company literature are removed with the filter as well as nearly all particulate matter. As far as the chlorine, Kent dechlorinator does very well. I tested how good it was about two months ago, comparing different brands and all. They all did about the...
  9. bbnglodt

    Ro/di Units

    Hmmmm, good question, BTW this I'm new to the forums. Pediatric doc in the AF. 55 gallon, with 30 gallon fuge (in the strict definition), about to put horsies in it. I also debated the R/O issue, even though it seems like you decided to go with one already. Here are my 2 cents. So in making...