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  1. d12monkey

    The case of the disappering fish....

    Originally posted by DanJ I'm placing the order for a 75 w/ the overflow built in.... next week, now that I have a place to put it.... will be getting new filter & skimmer..... also .... well TTFN...:happyfish I thought it was going to be a 90+ Gal :notsure:
  2. d12monkey

    The case of the disappering fish....

    :rolleyes: Ok that wasn't me... LOL that was my boss, she caught me on here. :eek: I was going to say. Originally posted by DanJ I would like to keep them in pairs ... Ok Noah... When are you building the ark? :D What are you going to name this soap opera? The quick and the dead: The...
  3. d12monkey

    The case of the disappering fish....

    Ok Noah... Maybe your fish don't like you haha!!!!
  4. d12monkey

    The case of the disappering fish....

    :D Might want to read it. LOL kinda reminds me of a soap opera with all the drama.
  5. d12monkey

    Refugium Size Effectiveness:

    I don't know exactly how effective it'll be. But it will bring down your nitrates and nitrites. I'd prob just use the macro algae in there instead of the live rock... maximize the nutrient export.
  6. d12monkey

    Lagoonal Reef

    Originally posted by Bang Guy No need to buy a book. Just post here on SWF.COM & I'll answer... happily :) :D want to type up those notes? I'll get them edited and bound for you. Might hit NY Times Best Sellers List. Seriously if you want to, I'll put some time into it. I'm sure people...
  7. d12monkey

    Lagoonal Reef

    Originally posted by Bang Guy No need to buy a book. Just post here on SWF.COM & I'll answer... happily :) :D want to type up those notes? I'll get them edited and bound for you. Might hit NY Times Best Sellers List. Seriously if you want to, I'll put some time into it. I'm sure people...
  8. d12monkey

    Please ID this for me.

    Originally posted by Duke13 Pods are a very good thing. Ultimately, they are food for other critters. :yes: They are a very good thing.
  9. d12monkey

    Just A Thought

    Place the base rock in there now to cycle with the rest of the other rocks. So you can get it going.
  10. d12monkey

    The case of the disappering fish....

    Danj wants 3 because he has 1 already and this would make 2 pairs. There is a chance that they'll fight with each other but he wants the 2 pairs.
  11. d12monkey

    Just A Thought

    Are you planning on adding more LR to your tank? Or just transfering what you have in the 55 into it? If you are planning on more liverock I would suggest doing it now before the tank is completely cycled because later it'll be more difficult to add.
  12. d12monkey

    Just A Thought

    Originally posted by chevman3171 Get a big bag, put 2 or so in your tank, and fry the rest in a ton of butter and sprinkle with garlic salt. Yum. Agreed Yum
  13. d12monkey

    Just A Thought

    Cocktail shrimps
  14. d12monkey

    Just A Thought

    Is that a new batch of LR? Or is it from your 55 gal. If it's a new batch you might as well throw in a shrimpor two and get it cycled. Other wise it's cured already and is going to get the sand going in it's cycling process.
  15. d12monkey

    The case of the disappering fish....

    Water looks a little low. How much evaportation are you getting out of your tank? Salinity swings is a large factor on fish stress.
  16. d12monkey

    Just A Thought

    Nice and clean looking system. Good job.
  17. d12monkey

    The case of the disappering fish....

    Found the firefish today. He had dug a hole to hide underneath some liverock. I knew he hadn't jumped out.
  18. d12monkey

    2 x 96 watt, 36" CP retrofit, Florida

    And what praytell is the price?
  19. d12monkey

    Anyone from Florida interested in a 125Gal look here-->

    Any extra equipment left?
  20. d12monkey

    The case of the disappering fish....

    DanJ Your curse is spreading!!!!!.... I bought a firefish goby today and acclimated him into his new home. closed the door so cats couldn't get to it if it jumped out. And Guess what??? Upon checking on how the fish is doing 2 hours later? the fish was gone. I know they are jumpers which is why...