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  1. daddypugg

    Cynobacteria Question

    I had a cyano problem and it got so bad that I resorted to chemicals to assist me in getting rid of it (I was desperate). I used "Chemi-Clean" you can buy it online for alot cheaper than you can at the LFS. This worked well for me, but I recommend that you increase your water flow and...
  2. daddypugg

    Need help with Xenia

    Thanks Kip and Barry Cuda, What was left of this Xenia didn't do very well with the needle, it seemd to tear through it (I used the smallest needle I could find) So I decided enough was enough and I put him into my 29G Tank wich is home to mostly river life, right now it has one Clue crab and...
  3. daddypugg

    Need help with Xenia

    Yes one small very small stalk, not much stalk left though but I will do my best I just don't want to kill him :confused: well the needle is threaded thanks
  4. daddypugg

    Need help with Xenia

    Is it ok to just let him go with the current then? I was thinking about sewing it to a piece of rubble but would I just go through once? or through several locations?
  5. daddypugg

    Need help with Xenia

    I will try to tuck it between rocks as I have probably stressed it enough for one day!! thanks and next time I will double check what the LFS tells me. Thanks agains
  6. daddypugg

    Need help with Xenia

    Hi, :help: I bought my first pulsating Xenia today. I super glued him to a piece of Live Rock, several hours later he has almost completely detattched himself from the rock! Question: Do Xenia move like other animals or are the pretty much sedentary? Also it looks like he has torn off...
  7. daddypugg

    Explain where your user name originated

    My eldest daughter's nickname is Pugger (we shortened it to pugg) and I am her Daddy hence: Daddypugg
  8. daddypugg

    ATTN: Amiracle Hang On Wet/Dry Owners

    HNF2K, I thought the size was stamped on the hose but it isn't. If memory serves me right it is either 1/2" or 5/8" I.D. Tubing. I actually brought the collection cup to Lowe's and tried the hoses on one thing that I think I did wrong was getting soft tubes, I think that maybe a stiffer or...
  9. daddypugg

    Pre Filters?

    Thank you, covers? what kind of covers? My Powerheads came with the pre-filters and I have been using them. My nitrates are now high, I know that they are not the major contributor but I thought maybe they played a role. I will remove the pre-filters if I can find these covers you speak of...
  10. daddypugg

    Pre Filters?

    Should I leave the pre filters on Powerheads? I know they are supposed to protect the fish and the powerheads but do they act as a source of Nitrates? Sorry if this is a boneheaded question :notsure:
  11. daddypugg

    Coming Soon?

    The only thing that I have found is under the Contact link: 920 Valley Lane Fort Pierce, FL 34946 I tried calling the number listed on Bellsouth Yellow Pages: Bellsouth Yellow Pages But all I...
  12. daddypugg

    ATTN: Amiracle Hang On Wet/Dry Owners

    Not off the top of my head but I will look tonight when I get home
  13. daddypugg

    ATTN: Amiracle Hang On Wet/Dry Owners

    HNF2K, I have a tube hooked up to it and it then drains to a gallon jug under the tank. I just make sure that the jug doesn't go to long without emptying because of the smell. HTH, Michael
  14. daddypugg

    Coming Soon?

    You don't happen to know where they are located fo you?
  15. daddypugg

    Coming Soon?

    Thank you - Now I just have to find the time and money to go there!!!
  16. daddypugg

    Killer snails!!!

    doggFISH, I too live on the coast of Florida (Sebastian) and brought home some snails from the river!! I was told by a friend that there are snails that will [hr] a fish if it gets to close. I can't remember the name of them but I will ask. Also I caught a Blenny and some gobies, they...
  17. daddypugg

    Coming Soon?

    I wasn't sure where to post this but can anybody tell me when SWF is opening there new store. I live relatively close to their new location and can't wait!!
  18. daddypugg

    Whats my tank doing now?

    I agree with soccer4life94! I too am very new to this hobby and always hear "a general consesus" and then somebody will say something that totally contradicts it. But as a side note I also feel that if you have to post the same questions over and over that either you are not understanding...
  19. daddypugg

    Where should I place my Magnum 350?

    I have both the Magnum 350 and an AMiracle Wet/Dry running on my 90G Tank for about four months now and all has been good until last week when I noticed a spike in my Nitrates (could be from the extra prefilter on the magnum). My Magnum is underneath the tank with the intake tube going to the...