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  1. johnnyd

    Duncans for sale?

    Originally Posted by hexedagain1 The one I pictured is 8-10+ heads. I will do it for $80 plus shipping. any smaller frags of the duncans and any other frags in general for sale to make shipping worth it?
  2. johnnyd

    Best Zoa EVER!

    Originally Posted by joebob7 if were talking about expensive zoas well how about a sweet ENVY ORANGE for $1600 for 3 polyps! those dont even come close to looking as good as the sopronos! they only are expensive cause they grow slow and not manyt around etc..! not work the money IMO.. to each...
  3. johnnyd

    new torch and flower pots

    Originally Posted by SpiderWoman You don't need to acclimate corals more than just the temp acclimation. Especially when you are bringing them from short distance away. A lot of times the acclimation does more harm than good. At least that is how I was taught. this is wrong! sorry but even...
  4. johnnyd

    Short vs. Long Tentacle Torch Corals

    Originally Posted by AtrialFib22 my torch's tentacles flow out to about 2 to 3 inches...when the lights go out they retract to show about 1/4 to 1/2 inch. But yeah, they will grow longer over time... yes!! my torch tentacles are about 3-4 inches long when the lights are on and start to...
  5. johnnyd

    Please ID my clown

    Originally Posted by jshepherd If I wanted to get a true would it be a problem for my false? no...just make sure the new clown you add is smaller than the one in the tank.
  6. johnnyd

    first time getting corals with usps

    Originally Posted by ReefForBrains Twas probably me thats said troll. No I am not implying you eat billy goats or live under a bridge. The troll I am speaking of is more like an online phrase. As in trolling for: An argument, for attention, for general unrest, ect. Troll threads are posted for...
  7. johnnyd

    first time getting corals with usps

    say who the shipper was from this site or shuve it! ill throw the BS card to cause this thread is retarded. save people the same future prob. by saying who shipped these corals to you
  8. johnnyd

    new torch and flower pots

    my torch is huge had it for a few months now. make sure you have good lfow to it and you have strong lighting. the need excellent water conditions. HTH
  9. johnnyd

    clown acclimatation to new anemone

    i actually put mine (false perc 20g) in a net and put in over the anmeone for 5 mins tonight. it swam thru it but i think i scared the clown alot by doing that and it prob doesnt even remember the nem or noticed it. im not trying to be mean to the fish i was careful and was just trying to make...
  10. johnnyd


    Originally Posted by kikithemermaid I started crying, you should have seen him, barely able to swim. It's so unfair. They care more about profit than the animals. "voted obama" i feel bad for you!
  11. johnnyd

    Picasso and Onyx?

    they should be fine! i have a BW clown and a OW clown in the same tank the i used a little critcket cage for a refugium for the BW clwn to get used to the OW clown. they get along grea now!
  12. johnnyd

    Looking For Rare Zoos!!

    what else do you have? those look really good
  13. johnnyd

    Livestock for sale

    Originally Posted by otley 1975 Anyone else interested these duncans keep eating and opening right back up. Love to eat and look great. im interested but do you have any other frags to go with them, so shipping would be worth it?
  14. johnnyd


    idk is i have red feather kelp but, i bought it form here. its like a 3-4 inch pile of it, nothing huge, hasnt really grown at all.
  15. johnnyd

    sebae anemone

    well i went to ***** today to buy a filter pad, and i always browse there saltwer stock. i saw some condy, long tentacle nems, and then i saw 2 seabae's. i looked to see the price and there wasnt a price tag pic for the sebae. knowing the people who workl there dont know left from right when it...
  16. johnnyd

    Zoos, Palys, and Rics for sale

    do you have a tracking number you can send me?
  17. johnnyd

    Cleaner Clams

    Originally Posted by sharkbait9 I would not pull clam out of the open water and place them into your closed system. That’s not a good idea. Do a search on the board for cleaner clams you'll see threads about a cheaper and safer way then buying cleaner clams from say Admin ripped the...
  18. johnnyd

    Zoos, Palys, and Rics for sale

    Originally Posted by GreenReefer dkfloyd, johnnyd, kholla12 ... you've got mail. PM sent.
  19. johnnyd


    i have red kelp in mine...why is it bad
  20. johnnyd

    Duncan Question.

    Originally Posted by Littlebuck I feed mine daily. What ever i can find to feed. crab, shrimp, clams. would you like to sell a frags of a few heads off of that?? PM me and let me know